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Interesting blog....
03/01/2007 05:43:10
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I am not a doom and gloomer either. I would like to believe in a benificent God, although I don't happen to.

I didn't mean I don't care whether you go on or shut up. I just (mis?)heard a born again element in your message that caught my attention, since I hadn't thought of you that way.

No problem. Back to the usual silliness....

>Ah, OK. No, I use expressions like "the Good Lord" slightly tongue-in-cheek - you could read that as "Mother Nature". The sentence "Please say as little or as much as you like" just sounded like you were saying "I don't care whether you go on or shut up"
>As to His existence - well my inner jury's still out on that. However, if He does exist, then I feel the world will all come out right in the end - I can't believe that He'd give us all this brain power and fecundity just so we'd cock up the world, as GW has cocked up Iraq - there must be a balance, and I expect we'll come up with some alternative energy sources, means of transport, etc. Remember that decades ago some people predicted that the world would run out of food well before the current population; they hadn't figured on better and more effic. food production, multi-harvest seasons, etc. It's interesting that CO2 happens to be plant food and I've seen a GW debunking programme that showed how plants grown in CO2-enriched air grow much larger and fuller, thus helping feed the burgeoning popn.
>So who knows? More CO2 - bigger plants absorbing it, making bigger food.
>Maybe we'll have airships on zip-lines, tethered to tracks (as in an old SF novel I once read - "The Flight of the Anenome" - or something like that) to replace jet-liners.
>Essentially, I don't see it's all doom and gloom.
>>My apologies for coming across as sullen. It was not meant that way but as we all know tone is the trickiest part of online correspondence. Let me try again. I was surprised to hear you sounding born again, that's all. And my question was whether this is recent or if I have just missed it before.
>>There is no right or wrong answer. Including no answer. Religious beliefs are a private matter and I have always regarded them as such. It just seemed to be new information from you and I responded in that sense.
>>>"epiphany" suggests sudden. I don't understand your reply. Sounds like you're getting sullen, after such a good start.
>>>I'm just saying that even though I don't subscribe fully to GW I err on the safe side anyway.
>>>>Have I just missed it all this time or have you had an epiphany? Please say as little or as much as you like.
>>>>>I like to believe that we're not all doomed. It is conceivable that we are entering a natural cycle. Whatever, I err on the cautious side and you won't find too many people who are as frugal with the earth's resources as I am (and have been since the 70s). I switch off light all over the place, leave no unnecessary transformers on, giving off heat for no gain (and we get more and more of them today: PC screens, strings of lights, phone chargers, kids' games, etc., etc.), take all appliances off stand-by, use the car the minimum I can, keep the heating down - have it off when no one's in the house, recycle, consume no trees (esp. as newspapaers), deplore use of aluminium and steel cans, bacofoil, etc., and many other ways. I do all I can to combat global warming, whether it's true or not.
>>>>>Now you said you've started this year agreeing with me. We've talked on the UT before about how exponents of GW get funding, opponents get vilified, as is the case for all popular scientific theories, and I don't want to get into it again now. It's a vast, nebulous subject. Even Lovelock has stated that we're all rubber-ducked and the only feasible way out is nuclear energy so what I do is spitting into the ocean, when others don't follow suit.
>>>>>In short, al;though I think "The Good Lord" will provide I do my best to help Him out.
>>>>>>Immediately followed by articles affirming Santa Claus? Good lord, give it up. When polar bears become an endangered species due to the MEASURED and PROGRESSIVE melting of the polar ice cap, it's time to stop denying. Climactic blip, hell. We are doing this to our own planet for no better reason than quarterly profits.
>>>>>>>Thanks, Kevin. A man after my own heart. I especially like any article that debunks global warming.
>>>>>>>>A new blog I came across...

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