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>Terry. You may know that the French version of our name is Thierry (tee-uh-ree).
>I think from now on, I'll call you "Conspiracy Thierry"

I like that - in fact, as we go into the origins, desired or otherwise, of "god given names", I will share with you that when when I was very young (a toddler), I spent time in Germany and France. My nanny was German. Helena. In fact I spoke German before I spoke english - and I spoke it well - besides German is really english with a lot more consonants! She and my father taught me the alphabet. Terry is a derivative of my long name. I learned that "Terry" means "tender"" (like Terry Cloth!).

Europe has hedgehogs - all over the place.

My lastname was assigned to my English ancestors, who were "scribes and censors", by their fuedal "noble" lords.

Names like "Hooper" were barrel makers, Wheelwrites made wheels, Cartwrites made Carts - I still wonder what "Wheelers" did?

But you - your ancestors, judging by your "handle" where either free or nobility - land owners or Klansmen. Your past is free of "masters". And any "asserted" masters were faught tooth and nail by your ancestors. My ancestors - though they could read and write, were little more than serfs struggling in the mud next to the Welsch!

"Conspiracy Theorists" is a term our "New World Order" fuedal lords use to label and isolate those who present evidence of their lies and crimes. Most Americans are "Conspiracy Theorists" these days. Very few align themselves with the dominion heretics', our gorvenment's, Conspiracy Theories.

A government conspiracy theory: 19 Hijackers, working out of caves in Afghanistan, planned and executed tha 911 attacks.

Another government conspiracy theory: Iraq had WMDs - Iraq was involved in 911. Uranium from Niger.

How about Blair's dodgey dossier - Iraq could dump a Rocket on your Isle in 45 minutes. What about Kelly's "suicide"? Aren't your ancestors screaming at you about that one?

How about the UK Governments "Liquid Bomber" Booga booga. Before that was disproved scientifically and more recently in a court case, a senator from Drew's state, Arizona, appropriated millions of dollars for "liquid x-ray machines" to catch liquid bomb carriers. Air ports all over the world made people dump their perfume and bottled breast milk for thier babies before departing to the US (look at the brite side - they got to re-purchase that expensive bottle of Fabragie when they landed here).

Now we know that to build the kind of "liquid" bomb the UK Police, encouraged by US "War on Terror Profiteers" to claim as a cause for the "case" - again without investigation or proof - would require an apparatus that weighed 800 ponds - almost as many pounds of dry ice and 12 hours in an airplane bathroom.

Too much gear - too much incredient - too much time IOW: Undoable - yet 100's of millions were spent in the flash of an eye to defend against that fabrication.

Even 7/7 is about as fishy as "fish `n chips" wrapped in an old copy of the Guardian.

But "War on Terror" liquid X-Ray machine vendors have alread made 100's of Millions on those liquid useless X-Ray Machines. Even though the science was false and now - the case has been dismissed in court. And we can't call them out (yet) or take them to court - because of "National Security".

You see how it works - Millions are spent on a lie - then - instead of reconciling the lie - we are told better safe than sorry - and while that has been happening - the dollars value is one half what it used to be seven years ago.

I am not a Conspiracy Theorist - but when things are shady - I suspect a lie - when their are no witneses - I suspect a lie - when the truth comes out - my suspicions have been justified.

But I am a "pussy" just like everyone else - I know things - I suspect things - but I don't do anything about them - I let the times roll over me.

I would prefer kidding around about me - or others - and our "Conspiratorial" leanings - that would be fun - but it gets scary when they turn out to be the truth. Really Scary!

Haliburton is building concentration camps in the US - even MSNBC has acknowledged as much - perhaps they built them to silence people like George Galloway or Pilger.

When corporations are allowed to consolidate - as Microsoft - as ATT - as ADM - then we must examine the possibility that our [s]elected governments listen to them instead of US. When we learn that our media is owned by War and Commodity houses we must suspect that wars have no basis in "self defense" and instead are motivated by profit. Trillions of Dollars in Profits to counter Arabs in a Cave in a Desolate Mountian Top in Afghanistan.

And the FBI states they do not have enough evidence to indict Osama for the crime of 911 - What's up - we killed all those people - killed all those AMerican sons and daughters - borrowed Trillions and the FBI cannot even make a case against the alleged ring leader - and ex CIA operative - Osama.

This is not a conspiracy theory this is fact: Americans are ignorant and lazy . They've traded consumerism and the glitz of disco lights for truth, justice and the American way. Listen to some of the responders here - they are supposed to be fairly well educated engineers - but they have the reasoning of some low iodine Ozarkian Hillbilly.

Mayby thats why they hop from mediocre FoxPro developer to Mediocre NOT developer - they can't keep a train of thought much longer than a goldfish!

Look at Kelly's suicide - the "sexed up" report. Look what they've done to Poodle Boy - made him look a fool - I thought the UK was smarter than the US - the UK owns most of the US - but, apparently, that is a false assessment.

Still the BBC and Guardian - make for better reading than the US War Media yellow sheeys. We are both Murdock Nations!

You know what's really scary - and you can see it in this thread - it that America's Dumbed Downed Wal Mart Elite actually believe the government is an ordained authority, a diety, a Dominion Heresy, instead of what it really was intended to be - making sure our toilets fush, our roads are paved and our houses are warm so we can get laid - that's all government should be or do. When they lie and fabricate a story to get into holy wars that murder millions they need to be stopped.

At least that is what is says in our declaration of independence. It's our duty to end tyranny in our houses. It is written down.

Instead we now have media queens, and their frilly suplicants as evidenced in this thread, and the low iodine man hands of god leading us into never ending holy wars fed by our ignorance and the lies and fear and out gullibility for old Dark Age Dominion Heresies.

The "war on terror" is not a "glorious" war - it is "mass murder for profit", Period. The most negative affect of this Globalony War on Terror to those of us on this board was that the monoploly case was dropped against Microsoft.

Imagine how much better our lives would be - how much more open our market would be - if Microsoft had been split up. We'd be doing UNIX VFP - we would have to contend with low iodine Redmond Shrimp Munchers or SP 2!

Gates is tauted as a Philotranphic Humanitarian - yet Microsoft owns a War Ship Factory - and every soldier and vehicle in theatre has a Microsoft CE license attached to it - courtesy of the US taxpayer.

Kill em on on side of the equation and then create foundations to eulogize "their memory" and bury them on the other side. Good business if you can get it Biily Boy!

In 2001 according to the US Office of Management and Budget (OMB - Walker) the per capiat tax indebtedness of each US ciitizen was 30,000$. Today, my Account Payable to the US treasury - as is every other living and breathing US citizens's is over 300,000$. The difference between my 2001 tax debt and my 2006 tax debt is evidence of a crime - a crime of fraud, extortion, and mass murder.

Please - prove me wrong! I'll sleep easier. Prove me wrong - but don't lambast me for examining the possiblity that Drew did not murder his son. No witnesses - no suicide note - then I say the claims by the coroner are a "conspiracy theory", a fudiciary convience for the corporate state, and not my doubts about it.

If you read that I committed suicide or killed my child - and then left my survivors with a burial bill - I ask that you defend me as I am defending Drew. Drew would never have killed his son. Neither would I.

Imagination is more important than knowledge

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