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Ready to buy etecnologia compiler technology, are you?
17/01/2007 13:07:38
17/01/2007 02:14:00
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Visual FoxPro
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Well, since you've been nice to me, I'll give you a nice little laugh.

I'm maintaining a fairly sophisticated app now that written in VFP. It's being replaced by a Java/Swing version. I'm working with the Java team now. I'll be curious if they can pull this off successfully.

When they mentioned a couple years ago that I would eventually start working with the Java team, I took some classes at UCLA. The teacher was surprised when I told him we were producing an app with a sophisticated UI in Java/Swing.

>I have to backup Perry who is my arch-nemesis in political posts (lol) but is dead right here.
>In my experience, Java is used as an appendage to an app; mainly as a scripting language. Many attempts have been made to make full-blown Java applications with no other language support - for the most part they have failed because Java's JIT compilation scheme doesn't work well for all parts of a complete application.
>Yes, VFP is a "thinner" client than dotNet because VFP is not trying to objectify the entire PC universe like dotNet is. It's a fallacious argument, though. If VFP was positioned the way dotNet is then it would be way, way fatter.
>BTW, what you called a "Piazo scheme" ... I think you meant Ponzi.
>Anyway, with the increasing support in dotNet for "code behind" code in ASP apps and AJAX and server execution, you're missing the main point insofar as desktop apps and Net apps are two different animals.
>You may be right that dotNet enforces too many runtimes and folderal at the client for desktop apps and there are the "Robert Half" gangs.
>But you are dead-wrong that it's assymptomatic of software development as a whole.
>>>I feel that you never tried .Net:)
>>>I feel that you never tried .Net:)
>>Never had a gig where I needed to use it. Besides - the meat of almost all development tools are NODE collections. I do work a lot with objects that are used by most app gui's. I am sure you have also recognized that development tools are pretty much the same - except VFP is more generalized. VFP is now a thinner client than IE or NOT!. NOT is for corporate or bench or infra-structure (cube) programmers. I don't work that market.
>>My bet is that Java (of which I know some) is dominating and will continue to push NET into the realm of those shops that can't get a developer like me!:-)
>>People use Microsoft on their Desktop - but they are looking at ways of avoiding M$ - too big - too mean - MicroSoft has forgotten that it stands or falls by customer satisfaction. Almost a Piazo schme- 3 years of benchies on a half finished project - and viola M$ has something else to throw shrimp at - and the owners get to listen to the pocket protector brigade chiming all the problems in the last unfinished project will be resolved with a new M$ tool - as long as the boss coughs up the passage accomodation to put the IT "herd" in front of those Redmond buffets - so they can deliver a newer version of the project that is never complete.
>>Users are being conned. Life Cycle costs have gone up - and now Micro$oft, with Vista - is essentially locking down the user's options. We will soon be nickled and dimed to death for the privilege of offering up our desktops to M$'s next great spyware container.
>>MicroSoft is a monster. It feeds on the lowest common denominator of skill and dedication - which means there will be a lot of unfinished NOT projects in the next few years for me to pick up after (again)!
>>Still - VFP is hot - but not irreplacable - just as Microsoft. Don't bet on NET - Java will dominate the server application market -heck DHTML and JavaScript make great GUIs.
>>NOT is for zero-geeks that see themselves sitting in a cube with a Robert Half name-tag pinned on their tie.
>>NOT is just another language designed for slow learners - thats why they made it - most of us could learn it up in a couple of days. It's the "grid-heads", who produced less than desirable products in VFP that are moving to NOT - because they think brand affiliation (conformity) indstead of dedication is the way to go.
>>Java will kill NET - I have no doubt about it - and neither should you - it withers on the vine as we speak! Look at all the tricks - why is NOT the top menu item on the main page - when there is barely any activity in that forum - why?

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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