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24/01/2007 10:31:36
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Re: Snow
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>>>>>>14 deg C
>>>>>Celsius? What's that? You and your crazy metric system.
>>>>Mike if u think about it even England switch from the english system to the metric system that everyone uses around the world, I have several American friends that told me that US tried that during the end 70's and 80's, but Americans was just too dumb and didn't want to learn. :-)
>>>No matter how stupid people are, it's amazing what thay can accomplish. (duck) We have the never-ending jokes between Norwegians and Swedes, you know. The Swedes only have one thing which is better in Sweden than in Norway, namely neighbours. :-)
>>>Around 1970 Sweden shifted from driving on the left side of the road, to the right side. A very big operation, and the joke of course was that they should do the change gradually. and start with the buses and trucks a few days before the private cars .....
>>>NB! Do you know what they say about driving in England? "Right is wrong, and left is correct." :-))
>>Many Norwegians migrated to Wisconsin and Minnesota and you hear lots of Norwegian jokes there.
>As portrayed brilliantly in the Coen Bros' film "Fargo". I just loved the gentle, bumpkin-like accents.
>>Here is one of them. Two farmers are talking and one mentions he has some skunks living under his porch and can't get rid of them. "Here's what you do," the other guy says. "Put a big plate of lutefisk under there. That'll get rid of them." The first farmer promises to give it a try. A few days later they run into each other again. "How did that lutefisk work out for you? Did it get rid of the skunks?" "Yes. But now I can't get rid of the Norwegians."

The American humorist Garrison Keillor, who stars on the radio show "A Prairie Home Companion" (and in the movie of the same name, Robert Altman's last), was the son of Norwegian immigrants. He had a funny line about Scandinavians: "When we decided to leave the old country it never occurred to us to migrate south. We headed straight for Minnesota." LOL

The PHC movie is worth a rental. Meryl Streep and Lily Tomlin got a lot of attention, as they should have, but to me Woody Harrelson and John C. Reilly steal the show. They play a cornpone C&W singing duo called Dusty and Lefty. Woody Harrelson is always trying to see what he can get past the censors, and they have a routine near the end of the movie that had me holding my sides. Of course, I'm easily amused ;-)

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