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Simulating Xactions
25/01/2007 11:50:58
25/01/2007 11:38:12
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turquie
Information générale
Visual FoxPro
Base de données, Tables, Vues, Index et syntaxe SQL
Versions des environnements
Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
Visual FoxPro
Thread ID:
Message ID:
Thanks a lot Cetin

I get the drift here but I need to digest the code and consider how to adapt to the system and whether it's all feasible (not too much hassle for, let's face it, an unlikely happening in a limited no. of tables. Generally, I'm only updating single recs at a time, or recs just in one table. i.e. for the majority of cases Tableu() and TableR() will suffice.

Your servant Sir

>OK I shouldn't be lazy to provide code:)
>Local lcFox2xPath, lcConnName
>lcDBCName = "myFox2xLink"
>lcFox2xPath = 'c:\fpd26\tutorial'
>lcConnName = "myFox2xLinker"
>Create Database (m.lcDBCName)
>Use v_customer
>Insert Into v_customer (cno) Values ("TRAN1")
>Insert Into v_customer (cno) Values ("TRAN2")
>Insert Into v_customer (cno) Values ("TRAN3")
>Insert Into v_customer (cno) Values ("TRAN4")
>If !Tableupdate(2,.T.,'v_customer') && should fail
>  Sqlrollback(CursorGetProp("ConnectHandle",'v_customer'))
>Select * From (Addbs(m.lcFox2xPath)+'customer')
>Use In 'customer'
>Select v_customer
>Scatter Memvar Memo Blank
>For ix = 5 To 9
>  m.cno = "TR"+Padl(m.ix,2,'_')
>  Insert Into v_customer From Memvar
>If Tableupdate(2,.T.,'v_customer') && shoudl succeed
>  Sqlcommit(CursorGetProp("ConnectHandle",'v_customer'))
>Select * From (Addbs(m.lcFox2xPath)+'customer')
>Use In 'customer'
>Close Databases All
>Erase (m.lcDBCName+'.*')
>Procedure Create2xConn(tcDataPath,tcConnName)
>  Local lcConStr
>  lcConnStr = 'Driver={Microsoft Visual FoxPro Driver};'+;
>    'SourceDB='+Addbs(m.tcDataPath)+';SourceType=DBF;Exclusive=No'
>  Execscript(Textmerge("CREATE CONNECTION '<<m.tcConnName>>' CONNSTRING '<<m.lcConnStr>>'"))
>  DBSetProp(m.tcConnName, 'Connection', 'Asynchronous', .F.)
>  DBSetProp(m.tcConnName, 'Connection', 'BatchMode', .T.)
>  DBSetProp(m.tcConnName, 'Connection', 'ConnectTimeOut', 15)
>  DBSetProp(m.tcConnName, 'Connection', 'DispWarnings', .F.)
>  DBSetProp(m.tcConnName, 'Connection', 'IdleTimeOut', 0)
>  DBSetProp(m.tcConnName, 'Connection', 'QueryTimeOut', 0)
>  DBSetProp(m.tcConnName, 'Connection', 'Transactions', 2)
>  DBSetProp(m.tcConnName, 'Connection', 'Database', '')
>Procedure myViewMaker
>  Lparameters tcViewName, tcKeyField, tcPath, tcTableName,tcConnectionName
>  Execscript(Textmerge(;
>    "Create Sql View '<<m.tcViewName>>' "+;
>    " remote connect '<<m.tcConnectionName>>'"+;
>    " As"+;
>    " Select * From ('<<Addbs(m.tcPath) + m.tcTableName>>')"))
>  DBSetProp(m.tcViewName, 'View', 'WhereType', 3)
>  DBSetProp(m.tcViewName, 'View', 'SendUpdates', .T.)
>  DBSetProp(m.tcViewName, 'View', 'Tables', m.tcTableName)
>  Use (Addbs(m.tcPath) + m.tcTableName) In 0 Again Alias __getfields
>  Afields(aFieldList, '__getFields')
>  Use In '__getFields'
>  For ix=1 To Alen(aFieldList,1)
>    DBSetProp(m.tcViewName+'.'+aFieldList[m.ix,1], 'Field', 'KeyField', ;
>      Upper(aFieldList[m.ix,1])==Upper(m.tcKeyField))
>    DBSetProp(m.tcViewName+'.'+aFieldList[m.ix,1], 'Field', 'Updatable', .T.)
>    DBSetProp(m.tcViewName+'.'+aFieldList[m.ix,1], 'Field', 'UpdateName', ;
>       m.tcTableName+'.'+aFieldList[m.ix,1])
>    DBSetProp(m.tcViewName+'.'+aFieldList[m.ix,1], 'Field', 'DataType', ;
>      TEXTMERGE( "<<aFieldList[m.ix,2]>>(<<aFieldList[m.ix,3]>>" )+;
>      IIF(aFieldList[m.ix,4] > 0, Textmerge(",<<aFieldList[m.ix,4]>>)"), ')' ))
>  Endfor
>>Nah, they can't, afaik. That's why I was looking for something that might simulate them.
>>>Unfortunately, I don't believe that free tables can participate in a transaction in VFP 7. That feature was added in VFP 9.
>>>I tried to do something to simulate transactions for free tables in VFP 6 for a similar scenario and was never able to come up with a satisfactory answer.
>>>>>>No great biggie here.
>>>>>>I'm replacing a system from its FPD26 days, and the tables still need to be used by the old system. There are cases where there's a 1-m reln. so as I create a certain rec I need to create < = 3 related table recs. I'm afraid of crashes during this process, or during my programmed cascaded delete
>>>>>>I was wondering if anyone knew of, or has developed a clever way around the fact that you can't use transactions here, as the old tables aren't part of a dbc. The only way I can think of is to keep track of newly created recs and deleting them if, say, a related TableUpdate() fails, or say, using RECALL when part of a cascaded delete fails.
>>>>>>'ppreciate it
>>>>>If the old system would continue to use them then you already would access via a view, no? There is a dbc IOW.
>>>>Sorry, Cetin, I don't follow you. I don't access the tables as views - just as tables. Non-dbc tables don't support views do they, or am I missing something here.
>>>>Whatever, how can I use xactions?
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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