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Noriega To Be Released
30/01/2007 14:37:10
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>>Now as to your examples...
>>--child labour galore
>>China, Cuba (granted they're Communist but certainly closer to socialist than America, yet these practices still take place)
>>btw: Children still work today in America, in family businesses, particularly farms and ranches. For me I started at age 5.
>>-- 6 day weeks (much 7 too)
>>Many people do this by choice now. They're called achievers
>>-- firing on a whim
>>How about that French model. Can't fire a new employee for 2 years unless something major occurs. Their youth feel so entitled to a job that they actually rioted over losing this "right".
>>--low low pay lowered more if the boss felt like it
>>You get paid what you're worth or you seek a new job, or you bitch and moan about how life is so unfair.
>>--dangerous working conditions
>>Still exists today. People still have to climb power lines, make steel, fish, etc...
>>--foul work environments
>>Still exists today. People still need energy from coal, oil. The aformentioned fishing again.
>First, you seem to subscribe to the notion that one exception disproves something.

I gave several exceptions. ;)

>You and I see the problems of the world very differently. Basically it looks like you're happy (enough) with the system as it is because it works for you and that's all that matters. Everyone should think exactly like you and all these phoney problems would simply disappear.

You seem to see the free-market as an opressing entity forcing the "little guys" to make profits for the rich. I see is as full of opportunity around every corner and I am damn glad I was born in America where I have the chance to achieve whatever I wish. I feel that being born in this country has given me a much greater advantage over other countries and I am not going to waste that chance. I think people need a better economic education to understand the free market better. Understanding the basic principals of supply and demand would be a great start. Too often I hear complaints about things being unfair for the "little guy". Well guess what, the little guy has the same opportunities as many "big guys" who used to be "little". This country offers the greatest opportunity to become prosperous beyond our grandparents wildest dreams, yet we're such a sniveling society of crybabies that a minor setback becomes a crisis.

>I hope the day never comes for you that you suddenly get laid off and/or that you have a losing quarrel with your medical insurer when they deny coverage for some reason. Something very expensive that you are positive IS covered but the insurer weasles out of by some clause in the contract combined with some record of medical diagnosis somewhere on file.

This has already happened in my family and we paid for it. What a concept huh? Paying for something on your own. This used to be the standard way of things until insurance and single-payor plans came in and took the control away from the individual.

>I've said all I can say on these matters. I truly do wish that life proceeds flawlessly for you so that you never need the help/charity/consideration of others. It's going to be tough to achieve that, and getting tougher all the time.

Each year it gets easier. Plans have been made and businesses started which show great potential. I do not let outside influences that are reasonably within my control affect me. I am in charge of my destiny, not fate, or bad luck, or political parties. Government can still press its heavy hand down on me but hopefully this country, and the rest of the free world for that matter, will elect leaders that understand and recoil at the oppressive power of centralized government and seek to restrain it in favor of more local jurisdiction.

Good luck to you Jim. I hope you have time to see the lighter side of life.
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Un jour sans vin est comme un jour sans soleil - Louis Pasteur
Water separates the people of the world; wine unites them - anonymous
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