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Iran is Now a Nuclear Power State
31/01/2007 15:21:13
Walter Meester
31/01/2007 15:14:24
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>I must have missed that as well. I don't remember reading any messages downplaying or denying Canada's participation in WWII by anyone.

You can read it between the lines. Whenever WWII is thrown at me as an argument not to raise any critisism (huh ??) it is always the US who bailed us out, without ever mentioning the allied forces nor the fact that Canada liberated us.


>>>I missed any message that claimed the U.S. bailed Europe out of charity. That was never the case. I will agree that the U.S. did not suffer to the same extent that Europe did during WWII. After all, the battle was not raged in our homes. It was not our war until we were attacked. While Americans did NOT want a war, we were not 'dragged into war' after two years. We went to war with Japan first after Pearl Harbor and then Germany declared war on US midmonth. Up until then, it was not our war and most Americans saw it that way. There is NO denying U.S. contribution once the U.S. joined the fight. What I resent is the belittling tone towards the U.S. in your message Walter when it comes to WWII.
>>Well, I might feel belittled too, when I hear arguments that we should be loyal to anyone who helped us in the past and ensured us freedom expect us not to raise any critisism at all. And yet that is the tone towards my critisism. In fact I think friends should be critical, but supportive.
>>And what it makes it more embarraging is no-one here mentiones here that The netherlands was liberated by the Canadians, yet we talk the dutch should thank the US and not mention Canada at all, in fact indirectly belittling the rest of the allied forces.
>>>>>Ok, I finally get it Walter! :o) Not only did the U.S. not want to go to war initially in Europe, we did not go fast enough, and then to top it all off, enough of us didn't die in the war. Sheesh. The nerve of us Americans. How can you Europeans stand us?
>>>>Nope you did not get it. The claim was that the US bailed us out, out of charity.
>>>>That was not the case. They were dragged into the war after two years. And no, I don't dishonor the US fallen troops (in fact when I met a few veterans on the toronto pearson airport, I did salute them for their heroic curage), however you must understand that the devistation in europe was an order of magnitude worse than it was for the US. Europe was the battlefield and was ashed after it ended. It was here were about a 100 MILLION people died because of the war, were the economy was totally destroyed, where there was suffering beyond human imagination. It was here where the holocaust took place. The trauma of war was nowhere greater than it was up here.
>>>>...and this is the point I was (unsuccesfully) trying to make.
>>>>>If my grandfather was still alive I would make sure he understood how you Europeans feel about our participation, but alas he is not so he will never know.
>>>>>>>>This is a lesson that the US has not learned (yet). They never have losts so many human lives in a single war as did fall on european battlefields. Imagine the US having a battlefield where 6 million lives are lost (russian casualties alone in WII). Would they not do anything to prevent that in the future?
>>>>>>>Walter, I think your last paragraph is a load of bollox. The US rues the fact that they lost so many of their own boys' lives fighting European wars (let's face it - bringing liberty to you occupied countries especially). I think you have an absolute neck to use this to have a pop (again) at the US. If it weren't for them you wouldn't have the luxury to sit there typing this rubbish, without your German gebieter looking over your shoulder. You say Europeans were tired of constantly warring - don't you think the US was tired of stepping in to sort it for you.
>>>>>>Is it??
>>>>>>Accoring to the statistics, only in WWII they lost significant number of lives (For WWI see Second, the US was not even involved in WWII until pearl habour. They were forced to enter the war as they were both challenged by Hitler and Japan.
>>>>>>Third, it is a given fact that the US does not have the massive amount of causulties in any of their wars that have been falling on the european battlefield in a single one. ( . This is unmatched in history. This is the reason that europeans favour diplomacy rather than going into war as oposed to american who are more willing to take up the arms. whether one is better than the other is to be reviewed. But one things is for certain: Europe is tired of fighting wars. They have lost too much in those.
>>>>>>The cold war started from the fact that the russians wanted to do something about the wars in europe (Napolean wars, WWI, WII) costed many, many millions of russian lifes. They were absolutely affraid that it would happen again if they did not do something about it. And who can blame them ??
>>>>>>As for the US helped us out of WWII, sure we are very thankfull, but there are a few sidenotes to mention here.
>>>>>>- The US was not intending to go into WWII until they were forced to (after already 2 years of WWII).
>>>>>>- The number of US causulties in this war pales by the numbers for other nations (
>>>>>>Again, while I'm absolute thankfull of the US liberating much of europe, don't forget that they were a part of the allied forces where Canada and Brittian had lost a larger percent of their population. Russia paid the ultimate price with a loss of almost 14% of their whole population.
>>>>>>So my statement above, while confronting and a personal view, is one that tries to explain why europeans are not fond of taking up the arms, while US americans have less problems to do so. My thoughts are that *if* the US had experienced the horrors of wars that have been roaming the european battlefields for many centuries, they'd probably would think differently about the balance between going to war and use diplomacy. It is not difficult to see an example in vietnam and iraq.
>>>>>>OTOH, we sometime HAVE to go into action. Europe will hesitate to do so, so other nations like the US will probably step in a lot sooner than we do. It is all in history. Of course NATO was invented to get us on the same line. But what good is it when the US ignores the UN and NATO resolutions ??

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