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Coke for breakfast
02/02/2007 07:11:19
01/02/2007 13:53:15
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>>>>>>>>Now there's the deli section (where they probably keep the abbreviated delicatessen), where they'll slice it for you in any amount you want, but it just takes too long to wait, and the sliced stuff doesn't hold too well in the fridge (either gets too dry or develops the same sticky film all over).
>>>>>>>The store where I shop has a kiosk at the entry where you can order what you want from the deli and they'll get it ready while you shop.
>>>>>>>This store also uses ziploc-type plastic bags. I find the deli meat and cheese keeps quite well. I buy half a pound of Dietz & Watson London Broil roast beef each week for my lunches; I get four sandwiches out of that. (Yeah, I know most people want more than 2 oz. on a sandwich, but I'm trying to eat carefully.)
>>>>>>2 oz of meat on a sandwich!!!? That sounds a lot to me!
>>>>>When you consider that a McDonalds quarter pounder is only 4 ounces of meat-like substance, how can 2 ounces be a lot? I mean, half the size of one of those patties?
>>>>When you put it like that, hmmm. But one is a burger and the other a sandwich. Generally we'd buy sandwich meat by the quarter, and generally people have > 1 sandwich. Traditionally the English would put 1 or 2 thin slices of meat on a sandwich, weighing next to nothing.
>>>In that case, all you're really eating is bread.
>>See, that's the difference in attitude, the same that labels drinks as "regular, large and extra-large", rather than "small, medium or large", so the punter doesn't feel he's getting a small, inferior, unsatisfying, bad deal. I can't understand why cinema drinks have to be in cartons the size of beach buckets - it's all turned to icy water by the time you get down low anyway.
>>>Why bother with the meat at all? Maybe you should try this. Serving size, 1 oz.
>>Wow! Don't the pix make it look appertising! Yummy! And that's post-op food? I hope the op wasn't a triple bypass!
>>>>If you go to a sandwich shop nowadays in England though they heap the filling on, American style.
>>>Around here, most places pile it on to about 4 oz and offer larger. I don't see 4 oz as a major 'pile'.
>>You guys are obsessed with weight. Do you take your sandwich home and weigh the fillings? I wouldn't have a clue :-)
>>>>OTOH we're now becoming more obese as a nation (the most in Europe), thanks to MacDonalds, KFC, Burger King, Subway et al leading us astray.
>>>Frankly, I don't know how people eat most of that stuff. I cannot eat a McDonalds 'burger', and KFC really turns me off. I guess I prefer my food to be actual, real food. Having said that, I do admit that do have the odd Sub. I only ever buy the small sub, but at least it tastes like it was intended for human consumption.
>>Oh,I know it's bad, but I DO love the Colonel, have done since the first time I tried it, at 18, and the bones melted in my mouth.
>When my brother was about 15, he worked at a place in High Park in Toronto called Scott's Chicken Villa. It was a KFC outlet. One Monday they walked in to find that the refrigeration system had broken down sometime after they'd left the Saturday before. Anyway, some of the chicken had taken on a slight green tinge. They washed it all off, cooked it and served it. He said the number of complaints they received that day was no different than the number they received on any day. That points up what I've always said about KFC - "prove to me it's really chicken, and maybe I'll try it again." Chicken should taste like chicken.

I saw something similar in an undercover operation to expose a chicken-processing factory in England a few years ago. They were turning the green side down on the styro tray, scraping off green bits, picking up pieces that had fallen on the floor and packing them. etc. They weren't allowed to waste anything and it was a minimum wage set-up. I can't be sure it was the same prog now, but I recall their using a consignment of EU rejected chicken, classed as unfit for human consumption, and bleaching out somehow the dye that marked it so.

So I wouldn't say it was a KFC-specific thing.
>>The burger wallahs though - I don't know what they're like as 1) I rarely eat them (maybe once or twice a year) and 2) I won't buy from either cos of their rainforest destrucive tendancies.
>>If I want a burger I get it from a place where you need to wait, and can watch them flame-grilling it.
>There are 2 burger chains in Toronto I'll eat at - Harvey's and Lick's. Both flame grill their burgers where you can see it. The only problem with Lick's (chopped sirloin, btw) is that the crew are required to sing everything. They sing the orders, they sing updates while they're grilling, etc. They sing loud, and most of them would be kicked off AI.
>>Subway DOES seem to get good press. There's one in Brighton,but it's just opposite my favourite sandwich shop.
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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