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The Trillion Dollar War
05/02/2007 18:32:31
05/02/2007 15:53:27
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>>The Christian faith it isn't primarly based on faith on supernatural things.. Jesus Christ did come here.. This is a geologial and historic fact..
>Is it? No "geological fact" can account for one person. It can account for age and formation of rocks and strata though.

go to Israel.. and area.. all the geological evidences is still over there..
>It is exactly the opposite of what you said. It is primarily based on supernatural entities and acts (IOW magic). Just that you happen to believe in that particular brand of magic instead of others (or none), does not make it any more valid, until you can supply proof (i.e. not circular proof, as in the Cristian Bible).

ok.. stay cool.. :)
to make myself clear.. from now on, lets try to separete:

  • Religiosity..
  • Be a Jessus discipule..

  • Religiosity is the attempt to follow rules to be accepted by a group and/or God.. Who meets the criteria find the "place to seat"..

    Religiosity is basicaly the faith of the unknowing.. "catholic faith, spiritism, black magic, Muslen, Jews, etc .."

  • Christianism, is the full reverse of religiosity.. On Christianism.. No set of conduts is necessary to be accepted.. Behaviors.. That isn't the unknowing.. Nothing, anything is hide or can't be seeing.. What I see is exactly the same of any other believer/discipule of Jesus Christ..

    Only by the simple faith that Jesus come to save our souls. And, on the faith that he is the only path, true and life.. And, accpet him as the Lord..

    DOT DOT DOT ..beyond this ..we got the religiosity!!
    >>since 1500y before of Him (Jesus).. many and many books that foreseeing his composition is still here at today's present..
    >Care to explain that one? Can you name one of the "many books"?

    I was being specific with the gospel books (canon and not canon).. But, being a little more including.. Try that nice cable TV show on Discovery (I guess, if I recall fine).. They have a nice one that study archaeological discoveries against Bible history.. Great one.. Very serious job..
    >>The christian faith is based upon chirstian acts described and available for everyone on Bible.. THere isn't so much more things far from it..
    >Correct. So it's written in a booke, it must then be true.

    no no no.. the "it must then be true".. must be changed for the expression: "it is for those that has faith that Jesus Christ is God.."

    I mean, even the Bible says.. it is not for everybody..
    >>to obey that book (sometimes even with no personal agreement) is the great manifestation of the faith for the Jesus disciples..
    >If it makes you happy to obey the book, more power to you. Just make sure you obey all of it. You cannot just pick and choose the parts you like, as most followers seem to do.

    Well, now I'm confused.. What do you meant?

    Am I not a good christian? Well.. Fine, no problem.. I'm a very limited man.. This is the reason that I can't walk alone.. Not to have more power.. It is because I'm limited..
    >>On the journey can we have supernatural cure, meeting, etc.. Sure, that can.. Mostly if the illness itis on spiritual sources..
    >Illness is not spiritual. If you are sick you need to be treated. Faith cures result in more illness, suffering and worse. But you know that, else you wouldn't go to a doctor or a hospital, would you?

    Well, many and many of sicks comes from our spiritual broke lifes.. A good doctor is the way to deal with effect not with causes..

    Being specific with my life.. well, beyond of quit the smoke.. quit my weekend whiskies and beers.. quit my depretion.. quit my nonrudder life (a boat with nondirection).. I don't remember what more my relationship with Jesus has change on me..

    Hehe, sorry for the little sarcasm.. :P
    >>But for the Christianity the central point is not faith on supernatural.. But, on the fact geologial and historic..
    >Huh? Care to explain that one?

    think about beyond the (mentioned before) DOT DOT DOT.. We will find only Fool Religiosity.. If you need a little more assistence go to the book of Romans (it talks a lot about it) specialty after chapter 9-10
    >>The phisic, math, quimic, etc are natural laws (and has its own creator).. The biggest miracle of God is to cure illnesses of our soul.. This is what Bible talks about..
    >OK. We agree that physics, math, chemistry follow and obey natural laws. The rest is your opinion and that of the followers of your brand of faith. Other followers of other gods do not necessarily agree. But of course, they are wrong, and yours is the true faith, right?

    hehe.. funny guy.. That good one makes me remmeber all the time that I used to be the "Jesus inquisitor".. if some day you also decide to wake up (of this deep sleep) ..a life without God ..we will start to laugh together with all these fine sarcastics jokes..

    At this point, I can feel a very great true among our lifes.. it is a very undisputed truth..

    I'm fully free to say: "I do have a God.. I do have a Lord.. I do have a Savior.. I do have a great quality of life.. I do have the certain of ethernal life.. I do have a Father.. My soul was fullfill with God.. I'm completed person!!"

    I know that you would tell exactly the same only to leave this conversation "full of reasons". But, far.. I'd like to challenge you to answer to yourself (not to me) ..Do you have the same? And please, use your conscience only.. No necessity to write me any single letter..
    "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20
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