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The Trillion Dollar War
09/02/2007 22:50:18
09/02/2007 22:01:15
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>>>>The concept of origianl sin goes back to Adam and Eve, you know, the "apple".
>>>>The concept is, since the fall of Adam and Eve, we're all born to sin and doomed to die.
>>>>Human by nature will be bad/"evil" if not taught to be good, thus good behavior is learned.
>>>Oh, I understand the derivation of 'original sin', I just happen to think it's one of the dumbest concepts ever foisted on humanity. And the fact that so many people buy into it leaves me shaking my head in amazement.
>>Do you believe that humans are generally naturally good?
>I believe that humans are neither naturally good, nor naturally bad.
>Once upon a time, people did what was necessary to survive. That may have meant stealing from another tribe, or another group within one's own tribe. It would likely not have been seen as good or bad, but just the way things were. Eventually it was realised that this led to people killing each other and to the thinning out of the tribe - especially of the able bodied who'd have been the ones killing each other. When they figured out that this was decimating the tribe, and therefore becoming a detriment to the survival of the tribe as a whole, rules began to be introduced to regulate behaviour. Those who followed the rules were dubbed 'good' and those who did not were dubbed 'bad'.

So they came to understanding/learn that killing people for greed was a bad thing. so they stopped.

>The rules are required if the human race is to survive (or at least if our little corner of the human race is to survive). Therefore we have created the concepts of 'good' and 'bad'.

So if I say Hitler if my hero and he should be honored, what does that say about me.
In my understanding of good and evil, Hitler maybe a good person.

>I believe in the need for those regulations, therefore, I believe that those who follow them are 'good'. But are we born one or the other? I suppose it could be argued that as we grow we have to be taught those rules, or else survival will be our only real motivator. If being motivated naturally by the survival instinct is considered being born naturally bad, then I guess we are. Are we born naturally 'evil', on the other hand? Not as far as I'm concerned. That would imply that we are being 'bad' just for the sake of being bad, and not because we have a survival instinct that dictates how we might behave. And no, I don't buy that at all.

If humans are naturally good, why do we laws?
Becuase if we are left alone to do what we want, we do bad things like kill, cheat, rape etc.... Doesn't that say something about human nature?
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.
- Alexis de Tocqueville

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– Mark Twain (1866)

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