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The Trillion Dollar War
10/02/2007 17:13:15
09/02/2007 22:42:33
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>>>>>>>According to Christian faith, you're already lost.
>>>>>>Doesn't matter, I wouldn't ask them for directions anyway. There's maps on the web :).
>>>>>Think spiritual, not physical....
>>>>>meditate with me, won't you brother? :-)
>>>>But I already know what I want to do with the rest of my life, I've done my thinking about life, universe and everything, I'm pretty much at peace with myself. If and when I face a moral dilemma (or trilemma, quadrilemma, ... enlemma), I know I can discuss it with my family.
>>>So what is your assessment of your life?
>>>That you just live, work hard, try to be a good person, maybe have some kids, hope they turn out decent and maybe help man kind in some way and then die? :)
>>Yup!. That's it, and what could be more noble than to try to do some good for others knowing that when you go, you get nothing for it, instead of doing good in order to receive some sort of eternal reward?
>>>If you have money, you can travel some, but if you think about it, that's basically it.
>>>>So, which definition of "lost", if any, applies here?
>>>In Christian point of view its about your soul. They believe that if you don't know or accept Christ as your Lord and savior, your soul is lost.
>>Granted. It's just not a concept that I can accept as anything other than mythology. The ancient Norse believed in Valhalla and the Valkyrie. How is this different. I'm assuming here of course, that you don't believe in Valhalla and the Valkyrie.
>Hey, I'm just answering questions. I'm no preacher..... It's all in what you believe. If religion makes you a better person, then I don't see any problem. I just choose not to get involved with religion. But I know too mnay good people who are in it to say that religion is bad.

Ok, I'll bite. When did I say religion is bad? I said it's mythology. That's all. When people come along and tell me I must be a Christian or I can't possibly be a decent person and my soul is doomed, I argue about it. No big deal. If others want to believe in this mythology, I have no issues with that. I only have issues with those who try to feed me a lot of nonsense about their personal mythologies in the hopes of making me need them too. I just get tired of people who feel that without religion they wouldn't be able to stop themselves from going around killing, stealing and raping, telling me that I must also be such a person.

>Can a person be a Christian even if they don't believe that Christ is the Son of God?

I don't see how. I thought belief in Christ was the definition of being a Christian.

>My dad and mom were practicing buddha. But my dad never got over his alcohol addiction until he became a Christian. His business got better and he made more friends and became a much better parent, they both did.

Sure, it works for some people. In fact, it works well for some. Had I known your dad, I probably would have respected how he changed and why. That is until he started preaching at me that I have to be a Christian too, or else I'm doomed to being a thief, murderer etc. Then I'd have told him the same thing. It's a mythology that I don't need in order to care about other people and in order to be a decent human being.

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