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Newbie question on SCOPE_IDENTITY
16/02/2007 13:19:54
Information générale
Microsoft SQL Server
Versions des environnements
SQL Server:
SQL Server 2005
Thread ID:
Message ID:
>Hi, Dmitry,
>I don't immediately see an issue - you're sure that an INSERT was done on that ocnnection, just prior to you calling scope_identity?
>This may not answer your specific question, but here's a thought - I noticed you posted this under SQL2005. In 2005, there's an alternative to using scope_identity that (in my opinion) is a bit more efficient. SQL2005 now includes an OUTPUT clause that allows you to get immediate feedback on what's been inserted (or updated). So you could do something like this...
>DECLARE @tTestTable TABLE ( MainPK  [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,  Name Char(50))
>INSERT @tTestTable OUTPUT Inserted.MainPK  VALUES ('Kevin Goff')
>That will return the value of the identity columnn that was just inserted.
>(Output basically provides visibility to the INSERTED and DELETED system tables, that previously were only visibile in a database trigger)
>If you have multiple inserts and want to direct them to a temporary area, you can redirect the OUTPUT...
>DECLARE @tTestTable TABLE ( MainPK  [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,  Name Char(50))
>declare @ttemp table (mainpk int)
>INSERT @tTestTable OUTPUT Inserted.MainPK  into  @ttemp VALUES ('Kevin Goff')
>INSERT @tTestTable OUTPUT Inserted.MainPK  into  @ttemp VALUES ('Steve Goff')
>select * from @ttemp   -- will give you 1 and 2
>Again, that doesn't answer your specific question, but now that I have all my clients on SQL2005, I've cut down on scope_identity in favor of this approach.

Hi Kevin,

I have not really studied your code. And I don't mind changing my approach to getting the Identity value differently. But I thought that OUTPUT is used with stored procedure. And I insert using SPT method (from VFP).

And my Insert and getting Identity is done on the same connection: I only use one connection for my application.

Thank you.
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