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A National Intelligence Estimate on the United States
15/02/2007 13:20:51
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I agree with everything you said except the guns. Guns are a device created to kill humans. Using or possessing a human death device violates the right to safety of others. Because of this, they should be used and handled by professionals only. The police and the military. I moved to the city as an adult, but I grew owning and using a wide variety of firearms as a child and a youth.

>When it comes to children, there is a point where the government steps in to ensure their safety (for those with parents who have no common sense) and it has to be okay. Children are not old enough to make these decisions on their own and they are subject to the decisions (even the bad ones) of their parent - in that area I put personal safety. Seat belts, riding in the bed of a pickup truck, helmets, et al.
>When it comes to drugs, I believe all should be legal for personal use for ADULTS only. If a stupid ADULT person wants to use drugs then let him/her. There is always the few situations where a specific drug is used for a legitimate medical reason too. The law should prohibit drinking and driving, using drugs and driving, etc. In other words, there should be laws against being impaired in any way while driving. Perhaps there would be fewer drug related crimes and death in this country and others.
>I believe in the right to gay marriage - I don't get it, but then I'm not gay. That right does not take away any of my rights so there's NO reason NOT to allow it.
>I believe in the right of CHOICE on abortion. It is a religious issue and a choice for the person who bears the child. If you believe it is murder, then don't have an abortion. Some believe the soul does not enter the body until the child is born or just before. I refuse to even consider going back to the days of women dying from having illegal abortions.
>I believe in my right to own a weapon and I will insist on that right whenever necessary. (Even if I do not have one in my house right now). I believe there should be laws against having weapons in the home where children reside or visit. Locking weapons is not sufficient in most cases where teens are involved.
>I believe it should be illegal to smoke anything in a closed vehicle with a minor in it. Outdoors is ok (not ideal, but adequate I guess).
>I think bordellos should be legalized (FOR ADULT use) and monitored.
>I believe my tax dollars should go for universal MEDICAL CARE (not universal medical insurance) including MEDICINE and SOCIAL SECURITY/retirement funds. Cut out the other CRAP and it could happen.
>I could care less about a minute of silence in school. A child could use it to meditate, sleep, read, be silent, think good thoughts, or pray. As long as he/she is SILENT. No religious association or requirement. I attended a junior high school in Denver, CO which had 2 minutes of silence at the same time everyday. The teachers absolutely LOVED it.
>I believe all children in this country should learn the pledge of allegience and say it as a class every Monday morning at 9:00am as I did.
>If a property owner wants to allow smokers to rent, then he/she could have a smokers building and a non-smokers building. (Not by apartment but by building) If a nonsmoker wants to rent an apartment in a smokers building then that is their decision and they must suffer the consequences as long as they know the deal in advance. They are adults. If the property owner doesn't want to rent to smokers, that is their right. Anything else is just crazy.
>Now, as to adults and these issues, if it is not specifically to protect a child's safety, my motto will always be:
>Life without freedom may be SAFE but it is the equivalent of DEATH to some

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