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Browse Fields with ClassLibs & disappearing Class Column
22/02/2007 04:25:26
Hans-Otto Lochmann
Dr. Lochmann Consulting Gmbh
Frankfurt, Germany
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Visual FoxPro
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>I did some systematic testing with the foxuser.dbf
>In this context I call the present one foxuserm1.dbf. It contains altogether 1247 records, out of which 37 had ID="WINDBROW". Then I opened a classlib as a table with USE and ran
>m.lcBrowseWindowName = Alias()
>Browse Nowait Fields ;
>  objname   = (objname)   :20,;
>  class     = (class)     :20,;
>  classloc  = (classloc)  :15,;
>  baseclass = (BaseClass) :20,;
>  parent    = (Parent)    :20 ;
>  Name oBr
>oBr.SetAll("DynamicBackColor", "Iif( reserved1 = 'Class', RGB(0,255,255), RGB(255,255,255))", "column")
>Activate Window (lcBrowseWindowName)
>I had the usual effect: one column was missing. This is, what you know already.
>Step 2:Then I made the second test: I closed the classlib, set resource off, opened the foxuserm1.dbf, copied it to foxuserm2.dbf, opened foxuserm2.dbf as a table, removed all entries with ID="WINDBROW", packed it, closed it and set resource to it. Then I opened again the classlib as a table and ran above code: the same effect. Obviously there has been no connection between these entries in the foxuserm1.dbf and the "missing column" effect.
>Step 3: Then I shut down Visual FoxPro and repeated this step: No change.
>Step 4: In order to be sure, hat I really had an empty table, I deleted all records in the foxuserm2.dbf, renamed it foxuser.dbf. I shut down Visual FoxPro and repeated the test: Everything as expected, all columns were shown.
>Step 5: Just to prove to me, that I was already awake, I shut down Visual FoxPro and repeated the sequence completely. I got the same results.
>This leads me to the conclusion, that something is hidden in the foxuser.dbf, which may or may not be connected with the deleted records. But the effects / symptoms can be repeated. Unfortunately I cannot read the data field in foxuser.dbf. So the only way to get rid of these symptoms is to delete foxuser.dbf completely. But this means, that all other recorded settings are gone as well.
>Well I think, I have to live with it.
>Many thanks for your efforts.


Check http://blogs.msdn.com/calvin_hsia/archive/2006/03/28/563138.aspx

Unfortunately, I was unable to find more info on Foxuser internals.
If it's not broken, fix it until it is.

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