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Word Automation, cr/lf not respected
22/02/2007 18:09:38
Cetin Basoz
Engineerica Inc.
Izmir, Turkey
General information
Visual FoxPro
COM/DCOM and OLE Automation
Environment versions
Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2003 Server
Visual FoxPro
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No I meant literal ^p. Word recognizes that as a special sequence meaning paragraph in find/replace. Bookmarks and document variables work much better IMHO. Do not undertake them. ie: setting a document variable is easy as:

oWord.Activedocument.Variables("myVarName").Value = m.lcValue

Bookmark samples:
Re: Copy query to Word Thread #1169664 Message #1169912
Re: GoTo Bookmark in Word... Thread #1087963 Message #1087997


>I got the code from doing Record Macros, then implementing via VFP. I tried using the bookmarks, but that didn't work with the cr/lf either, so I resorted to more digging. I didn't realize the ^p (I assume you mean Ctrl+P) is what WORD uses as a New Paragraph character... But, it exposed me to other automation stuff, and works... I'll try looking into the ^p later.
>>I'm lost with this code:) Why not simply ^p for paragraph and execute a replace? I would use document variables or bookmarks. Anyway if it's working for your case then it's correct:)
>>>Thanks all for the input, after researching, most still did not respect the formatting of the cr/lf... So, I went deeper into the automation and came up with a solution that appears to work each time CORRECTLY...
>>>After the Word document is loaded, and active document, I was able to process via the following
>>>lcFind = "{{SOMETHING TO LOOK FOR}}"  && example
>>>lcRep  = "Whatever you " + chr(13)+chr(10) + "want to replace with"
>>>*/ loWord is object pointer to Word application
>>>loWordSel	= loWord.Selection
>>>WITH loWordSel.Find
>>>   .ClearFormatting()
>>>   .Text = lcFind
>>>   .Replacement.Text = ""
>>>   .Forward = .t.
>>>   .Wrap = 1  && wdFindContinue
>>>   .Format = .f.
>>>   */ The MATCH criteria can really be optional from defaults as needed
>>>   .MatchCase = .f.
>>>   .MatchWholeWord = .f.
>>>   .MatchWildcards = .f.
>>>   .MatchSoundsLike = .f.
>>>   .MatchAllWordForms = .f.
>>>   .Execute()
>>>*/ NOW, break lines on the chr(13) + CHR(10)  cr/lf
>>>lnFR = ALINES( laFR, lcRep, .t., CHR(13)+CHR(10))
>>>FOR lnLines = 1 TO lnFR
>>>   loWordSel.TypeText( laFR[ lnLines ] )
>>>   IF lnLines < lnFR
>>>      loWordSel.TypeParagraph()
>>>   ENDIF
>>>It appears to work, even with LONG strings beyond the 255 character limit, and by pre-splitting on cr/lf into an array, forcing a TYPEPARAGRAPH() makes it work correctly.
>>>Thanks again for input, just a stronger solution
>>>>>Hi all,
>>>>>I'm sure someone has an answer for me here.
>>>>>I have a Word document that I have to do some automation with... So, I have some place-holders in there like {{SOMEFIELD}} where I need to do some inserting of stuff and can successfully do using find/replace automation.
>>>>>Here's the problem. If the text I have has ANY cr/lf (such as a multi-line address), the Word document doesn't properly reflect that, almost like the cr/lf is treated as a non-printable character and doesn't advance to the next line.
>>>>>Am I missing something stupid???
>>>>If instead of such placeholders you use document variables or bookmarks then you don't need to do find/replace at all.
>>>>Set document variable's value, or insert into bookmark directly. It'd also be faster than a find/replace.
>>>>PS: If you'd use find/replace then you should use special characters for things like line feed (ie: ^p).
Çetin Basöz

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