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An Inconvenient Truth - Al Gore - Let he who is without
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What we can do is make our opinions known to the governing bodies so they can implement changes in a way that makes sense. For example, because of higher fuel taxes in Europe, you guys use less fuel, we should do the same. Our standards for car fuel efficiencies has not changed in MANY years, but our technology has, lets bump these up. (our problem is we have 1 person in a hugh 4X4 SUV to drive on paved roads, our own stupidity). We could outlaw incandesant lighting (or tax it) to get people to move to more efficient methods.

And pollution is just one of the problems, not even the one I am most concerned about. My main thrust is to become energy self sufficient so we don't have to give billions of our dollars to people who are trying to kill us!

>Look, Robert, there's very little we can do about it. None of us is going to give up his little luxuries - heating in the winter, lights in the dark, recharging mobiles, running DC appliances from AC mains, and discharging the wasted heat in the conversion (I switch off all mine, including digital TV receiver, PC and monitor supply, TV no stand-by, et al, et al). I do what I can, I walk to town rather than take the car,. etc. We can all try that, but I've encountered very few who've got the discipline to be arsed to do it (even my own wife I have to nag about leaving on, say, the kitchen lights: 4 60 watt halogens) when not using - "But I'm going back in there in a minute" comes the reply - I used to get the same from my mother when I was a self-righteous teenager). I visit people's houses and there's little LEDs on all over the place showing how something is on stand-by. I can't go preaching to everyone - if they're not heeding the message over the last 5 years then their either
> dumb or don't give a crap.
>OK we're all doomed. But I don't think that. There's a little bit of the God won't let us down in me, I guess. Check out my sig.
>>I respect your efforts to scale back, and I agree americans are the largest part of the problem (although China and India are cathcing up)
>>BUT the graph is to scale, look at the number ranges.
>>You just have to take the large increase (100 PPM+) over the last 200 years and squish it down to a couple horizontal points because of the lenght of time the graph covers. Think of it this way, if you had a graph of world population over the last 10K years, what would that look like, the last 100 years (1% of the graph) would almost be a vertical spike, the inset is just showing a smaller time frame but is still giving the same info in both graphs.
>>>Whatever, the graph makes it look like we're beginning to choke for lack of O2, with all
>>>Whatever, the graph makes it look like we're beginning to choke for lack of O2, with all that CO2 displacing it. If it were done to scale then the difference would be hardly discernible.
>>>And, I'll say it again, you won't find me being prolific and wasteful in energy and earth resources for all my apparent lack of concern.
>>>I'll wager half you guys, esp. in the USA, who bleat on about global warming do very little to ameliorate its effects.
'If the people lead, the leaders will follow'
'War does not determine who is RIGHT, just who is LEFT'

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