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Was this Dan's doing? Well, good riddance to him then <g>.

>Somehow I think that Daniel LeClair is sitting back and laughing at all this chatter he has caused. I would think that he is not bothering to waste his time reading any of the threads. Throw a match at the pool of gasoline on the ground and walk away! :)
>>>>>>>>This got me thinking. If life is so much easier for married people (in general, not just NZ), why are then so many opting out? Why is marriage not attractive? It can't be just the cost of divorce.
>>>>>>>Never underestimate the cost of divorce ;--) Those who say divorce is so expensive because it's worth it must not be paying. My ex still has her hands in my pockets so regularly it's like we're back in the dating days.
>>>>>>The difference being in rearrangement of bedfellows?
>>>>>>Now imagine if women were truly equal, to the point where they earned the same. Then there wouldn't be that much of a legal obligation for the other parent to get squeezed for child support. Often, alimony is the way the society in general says "sorry ladies, you'll never achieve what you could if you were male, but take this as an apology".
>>>>>Do you propose that alimony/child support should be waived if ex-wife makes more money than husband?
>>>>I am not proposing any fixes to current situation. I didn't break it, I don't feel like I'm obliged to think about fixing it.
>>>>I actually don't even know what the courts currently do in such situations.
>>>>I'm just saying that the current situation reflects and the practice recognizes the inequality of women; if they were truly equal, the practice would be different.
>>>Do you think that currently women are not equal? I see you said 'truly equal' but it's difficult to figure out what you mean. Imho, for all legal purposes women are already equal and as long as you talk about courts legal standing should take preference.
>>Women make, on average, 73% of what men do for doing the same jobs. Do you consider that equal?

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