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Is there a limit to the size of a passed parameter in VF
22/07/1998 11:01:48
22/07/1998 10:57:25
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Visual FoxPro
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>>>>>We are storing a sql statement and passing it between to prg files. It is bombing out and we think that we might be trying to pass a string that is too large...or it could be something else altogether. Has anyone else run into such a limit?
>>>>Ed, what's the error message? On what line of code?
>>>I working with my partner on this...just got the code. getting a syntax error..right now he is reversing the quotes and double quotes in case that might be the culprit...any ideas?
>>>Here is the code.
>>>mSQLFldList = 'Select lastname, firstname, ssn, classcode, adrep, farep, '
>>>mSQLFldList2 = 'sttrans, sddate, sdamount, sdledate, sdleamt '
>>>mSQLFrom = 'From students, studtran, studdisb '
>>>mSQLJoin = 'Where stssn = ssn and sdtrannum = stnum '
>>>mSQLWhere = 'and status = "A" and sdstatus = "P" and between(sddate,msdate,medate) '
>>>mSQLOrder = 'Order By sttrans, lastname, firstname'
>>>MySQLComm = '&mSQLFldList &mSQLFldList2 &mSQLFrom &mSQLJoin &mSQLWhere &mSQLOrder'
>>>if MyCommProc.ExecuteRemoteSQL('SELECT', MyFinanceConn, @MySQLComm, 'SQLResults')
>>>It works if you try to run the string MySQLComm from the command line, but if you pass it as a parameter in the
>>>MyCommProc.ExecuteRemoteSQL - it doesn't.
>>Sorry, is it C/S app? If yes, then it's more efficient and code_type_saving to call stored procedure instead of sending literal SQL command.
>No. Although we are moving that way and have started preliminary programming on M$ SQL Server 6.5, this particular app was using ODBC to hit a fox table. The boss is saying all stuff from here on out needs to be written so that we can move it to SQL Server when we are ready to move the data.
>BTW,stored procedures are high on my list of things to learn, as my stuff that hits the SQL server really slows down when I call for a join...I am currently dealing with a join from 2 different databases and I believe that I have to do some work from the server end to make it happen.

I'm not going to argue against your boss, though IMO, if you assume moving to SQL-server then your app could utilize local views as much as possible and conversion to SQL back-end would be smooth.
However, SQL-server optimization is not exactly the same as Fox optimization. One important difference is that calling stored procedure is always faster then firing literal SQL-command.
Edward Pikman
Independent Consultant

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