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>How about starting a new thread in Chatter and moving this particular content there?
>I didn't read the whole thread (usually skip long threads), but this message just accidentally caught my attention and I think it would be an interesting discussion.
>>Hi Metin
>>I think the issues are more complex than your comparison might indicate.
>>First you may not like your work because:
>>1) You do not have sufficient skill to do the job properly.
>>2) Your work does not match your interests or passion.
>>3) You have relational problems with fellow workers.
>>4) etc..
>>If #1 is true you might decide you like the work but need further training so resigning is not necessary. You probably should resign if #2 is true. If #3 is true the decision is more difficult. The problem could be your fault, the co-workers' fault or both. You could decide to resign if the likelihood of being able to adapt is low or you might choose to work at the relationships and see if the situation improves.
>>Marriage is more challenging because it is not first of all about being "happy". People change over time and you have no guarantee that if you marry the right person and are "happy" that you will stay this way over time.
>>Secondly in marriage people never get to the point of dealing with personal issues if they do not feel secure. A secure environment is one where the person knows you will not leave as soon as things get difficult. So if you are not willing to make a lifetime commitment to another person you will never really grow yourself and you will hinder the other person from growing as well because deep personal growth requires a committed secure environment. This can and does lead to difficult periods in life. If I leave the minute I am not happy no growth or development is possible. You simply take your problems into the next relationship unresolved. It is in the difficult periods of time that you learn about your own weaknesses, irritating characteristics etc. If you are willing to change and face yourself honestly better days will come.
>>Thirdly from a Christian perspective marriage is never just two people deciding to share life. The Bible says it is God who puts people together and therefore we are not free just to leave when we are no longer "happy". Marriage is about learning about love. As described in the Bible "Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong-doing but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things."
>>Having said that if a woman for example was being abused by her husband there is no reason she should stay and be abused (similarly for children or anyone for that matter). She needs to find a safer environment. However, it does not mean she should automatically get a divorce. Her husband needs to get help and others such as family or friends should see that he does get help. Marriage is a community effort not just an individual decision.
>>I have only touched on few issues and there are a good many more. It is for these reasons among others that the Christian marriage ceremony includes these declarations and vows:
>>You will be asked to promise before God, your friends and your families, that you will love, comfort, honour and protect your partner and be faithful to them as long as you both shall live.
>>The minister will also ask the congregation to declare that they will support and uphold your marriage.
>>Turning to each other, the bride and groom take each other’s right hand and make vows:
>>'to have and to hold
>>from this day forward;
>>for better, for worse,
>>for richer, for poorer,
>>in sickness and in health,
>>to love and to cherish,
>>till death us do part'
>>So all this to say that divorce rarely solves anything and a divorced person is no more likely to succeed in subsequent relationships than they were in the first.
>>This discussion is now way off topic and probably should be in the chatter section. :)
>>>>I am not saying that our country is holier than USA, for we are all sinners, but at least we are being proud of our family ties and values here. Most of the Kids here respect their parents and elders. And our laws is not allowing DIVORCE or Same sex marriage.
>>>Are you thinking "not allowing DIVORCE" is a good thing? You works for 8 hours in a day at job. If you aren't happy with your job you resign. You say "even you're not happy, you cannot resign from share a life" ?
Simon White
dCipher Computing

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