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>You have faith, and that's a good thing.
>However, you and a few others here are in a state of denial as well<s>.

I believe on VFP in its capacity to compete but just to reiterate, that depends on MS. If MS only will push VFP as equal with VB, there will come a time VFPers will outnumbered VBers. Sounds optimistic though...

>If you look at VFP - as it relates to the new versions of the products, you are going to find a rich set of features. Whether it is VJ or VB, or VI for that matter, there are other features that may compel you to look at and use other tools. Will VFP get a UI that supports things to the extent that VB does? I doubt it. Yes, VFP has great features, but it has limitations as well - just like any tool.

Yes, but VFP deserves more attention that it receives now...

>At this point in time, I think it is rather ill-advised to look at things in VFP only terms - or to hang your hopes on VFP getting on par with tools like VB or VJ. Quite frankly, if that were going to happen, it would have by now. Yes, VFP is a member of Visual Studio and as such - has a slot at DevDays. I would not read into that the MS is now supporting VFP as much as VB. That is not going to happen.

Sad to know it but that's life...

>The key, start learning VI and VB, and if you can, check out VJ. Does this mean abandon VFP? Heck no as it is a great tool capable of creating powerful applications. But, as time goes by, it will be more compelling to look at, and use the other tools.

Thanks for your previous advises, I already started studying one of them. I am a lover of PB and DEV 2000, but I shifted to VFP only to know the lukewarm support of MS. But still VFP is my premier tool despite all of this... I just want to play secured and ofcourse more of an army with an expertise not on cal.45 only but also on UZI, or M16, or SCUD Missile from IRAQ, if SADDAM permits me to do so.
>>>>It's plain and simple, it will be answered clearly by answering the ff. question:
>>>>1. Do you believe that VFP is fit to compete in the arena of software development TODAY and in the FUTURE?
>>>>2. Are you satisfied with MS supporting VFP?
>>>>If answer is no, no,...then, what are you doing here in VFP community? Start considering new tools for you to survive, TIME is gold IMHO...
>>>>If answer is yes, no, and still using VFP, then you are in the "wait and see" attitude. It is up to MS then to prove that this belief is totally wrong.
>>>>One UT guy even concluded that VFPers are the people who are most difficult to please no matter what MS doing, I don't know why?
>>>Hey.. come to think of it, you're right! (...) NOT!
>>>You just couldn't resist it now could you? So much negativity. Too simplistic an approach to make me drop VFP altogether and go for something else. That is your answer, speak for yourself.
>>To simplify and makes my stand clearer: I believe that VFP is a well crafted product that can compete in the ARENA and it has the potential to turn its competitors upside-down if only MS supports it by way of promotion and marketing, budget etc. equal with VB, VC, and other MS devt tools. Good thing there is that new VFP URL FAQ section wherein MS did the expected clarification on VFP's role on Visual Studio. And we are happy about it, for it seems MS is now making drastic changes on marketing and promoting the product. But it does not stop there, MS should actualize it during DEV DAYS, TECH ED, VS presentation etc.
>>On every occassion in life we should expect WHINING, DEMANDING, and WISHING, but be careful, we might be the one building VFP's coffin...
>>Can we give MS and VFP the benefit of the doubt!
Project Leader - SDD division
...shifting from VFP to C#.Net

CHARISMA simply means: "Be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than you are in making them feel good about you."

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