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UK says 15 soldiers detained by Iranian navy
29/03/2007 13:13:34
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I find 2 big problems with the environment we face today:

1) I always tought we were better then this (not committing torture, etc). We've heard the comment when discussing things like Nazi Germany, "it can't happen here"... It's rather depressing to see people here make comments along the lines "we need to torture them...", "the only good solution is to nuke Iran....". To see how easy Americans are willing to go down a path I could never have envisioned our country going down.

2) I think the worse part about going down this path is we've given ammo to people who want to hate the US. We could potentially face problems rooted in current events for the next decade.

>>>It really is true that you can torture anything out of someone. The problem is that they really do say whatever it is they think you want to hear and alot of mumbo jumbo too. You can get anyone to confess to anything. That's the problem with it. Not to mention the real issue: it's not humane.
>>True, it isn't humane, but neither is war. These are strategies to be employed after humanity has left the room. As for the confessions, I would use this to garner intel, not confessions. The intel can be checked for validity and if it is false, you could torture the guy in front of others while telling them why!
>Unless I am hopelessly naive, the U.S. has not stooped to torture on this scale until now. It hardly makes me proud to be an American that we have adopted the tactics of barbarians. Our President has explicitly said we don't need to be too concerned about the Geneva Conventions. Don't we claim to be better than that? I know you don't agree, it's Bush Uber Alles for you, but this will be remembered as a shameful period in our nation's history. And I don't mean that in a Republican vs. Democrat way at all. I would be just as embarrassed if Bush were a Democrat.

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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