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Any Guns 'n Roses fans out there?
30/03/2007 11:46:11
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Rock n roll
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>>>>>>>>>>Is that on the album "xxxxx Ocean Boulevard" or whatever it's called? I've >got that, on top of my wardrobe with the rest of the vinyl, bougfht in the >70s.
>>>>>>>>>I got it from a Cream album: either a greatest hits or Disraeli Gears cd.
>>>>>>>>I loved Cream, back in the day. I recall all my mates in Scouts liking them too.
>>>>>>>>>I did not like the stuff he did in the 80's. I prefer to listen to Cream, Derek & Dominoes and some solo stuff he did. If you have hte chance, get his double cd 'Just One Night' . It is mind blowing.
>>>>>>>>Let's face it, there wasn't MUCH of worth from the 80s, and especially as all the progressive bands, like Pink Floyd and Genesis turned middle-of-the-road. Clapton was no exception, and it's from that point on that I turned my back on them.
>>>>>>>You leave out Talking Heads, Tom Petty, and REM, to name an easy three. I agree the 80s were not up there with the heyday circa 1970 but there was still plenty of great music coming out. Always has been, always will be.
>>>>>>TH did their best stuff in the late 70s, Tom Petty I never followed, REM I've never liked (that guy's voice grates on me big style). There was some good music in the 80s, but mainly 80s new stuff; I was referring mainly to te established bands who sold out.
>>>>>A lot of them sure did. I'm with you there. The Stones are still mailing it in and putting the money in the bank a quarter century later.
>>>>Yeah, they haven't sold out (except their gigs have).
>>>>>Re Talking Heads, "Remain In Light", "Speaking in Tongues", "Little Creatures", "Stop Making Sense", and "True Stories" were all released in the 1980s. Every one of them is a classic IMO.
>>>>Yes, you're right, of course. I don't know what I was talking about. In fact, there's little that they've ever brought out that I haven't liked. It's so long since I've visited my vinyl I've got my periods mixed up, and I've got at least 2 of the above myself! :-)
>>>>>I won't argue with you about the other bands. As I said earlier today in a book discussion, there is no point debating matters of personal taste.
>>>>You're right. I get so sick of people who prattle on about how good the punk era was. Well that was during my "prime" years and, apart from a few bands: Stranglers, Jonathan Richman, and my fave, the Skids ("working for the yankee dollar", "into the valley")... and the odd track, I thought it was all just a dreadful noise. At that time, and going into the 80s, i was listening more to Ska, Lena Lovich, Laura logic (bit of a Superman LL thing here :-), Pretenders, TH, and the birth of the New Romantic or electronic age, with OMD, John Foxx (ex Ultravox), Ultravox, Be Bop Deluxe, and loads more.
>>>The one band I have never stopped listening to from the punk era -- and they weren't really a punk band, they could actually play their instruments -- is The Clash. They recorded some great songs and always had passion. I was lucky enough to see them live twice.
>>Lucky you. I forgot about the Clash - yes absolutely brilliant. However, as they quickly diverged into nice melodic stuff, and with a heavy reggae bent (The call-up, Guns of Brixton, et al), as with you, I ceased to think of them as punk. Hey, didn't we have a Clash appreciation love-in last year?
>It would have been tricky without Joe Strummer. Or do you mean on the UT?

Yes, on the UT. We were quoting lyrics back and force as I recall (not necessarily you personally)
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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