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GDIPlusX and Printing
03/04/2007 04:31:13
02/04/2007 13:45:16
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Hi Cesar,

>>>>Q2: Can I print 'snapshot' of a canvas, then clear the surface
>>>>and then again draw/print/clear number of consecutive pages ?
>>Do you hv some quick code sample of this scenario that I could try ?
>>I mean multiple draw/print/clear sequences sent as single print job
>>to the printer que.

>What kind of drawing are you trying to do?

I am building (hopefully) free reporting tool. Being completely free
for this community, or requiring 3p middleware to carry out physical
output (preview/print) - depends pretty much on ability to reliably
print via GDI+/GdiPlusX. (Or it might be delayed til I am able to do it myself)
Now, if you alow private message I could send you sample
of what I am doing.

>I've already shown you how to play with the img Canvas, and how to print images.

Perhaps I did not communicate it well...
Yes, I tried/succeded what you adviced in your post and article.
But as I said my focus at this time is more on printing possibilities/performance then drawing itself. So this morning I performed folowing test;

I took your drawing sample from your blog article
with little house, sun etc. It all got nicely rendered on ImgCanvas.

Then from a form button click I issued
for i = 1 to 5
It printed 5 pages ok, BUT printer que showed 5 consecutive printing
sessions :((
Is there any way to do this (repetive print) as SINGLE PRINT JOB.
That is what interest me the most. This would resolve my problem almost completely. Hope you can help me on this.

>Paper information you can obtain at HELP for PRTINFO()

I understand that;
My question (or suggestion/apeal) wld be if we could instruct oBmp.ToPrinter() for instance to print from first or second tray, or to increase/decrease margin etc. In other words to have more control over that aspect, within the same library (GdiPlusX) I/O having to go trough additional myriad of API calls etc. As I said; Since Drawing is so well supported, why not having some more control over printing of results achieved as well.

>My goal at this moment is to publish as much samples as I can to help people to get started on this. But Feedback is very important, because sometimes we don't know if we are going through the right path.

You are doing GREAT !!

At the moment I just started testing/checking against set of requirements
for what I am trying to do regarding printing, because that is the part
crucial to me in this case (working on reporting tool).
If this is ok/doable, then it will be plenty of time for drawing itself. But I am absolute beginner with GDI+ and will need some 'quality time' spent with it, before I can come up with type of feedback/contributions you would like to receve. Perhaps you can understand this form type of questions I ask you now :))

>>Big Thank to Bo Durban, You and everybody else involved with this project.
>>Great and valuable work.
>Thanks !
>Actually, only Bo Durban, Craig Boyd and I have dirtied our hands coding in the library.

That is obviosely plenty of capable hands :)
Can someone solve my little printing problem decribed above ?

Thks again, and in advance.
Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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