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The Immigration Mess
06/04/2007 17:43:24
06/04/2007 15:56:50
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>Do you mean globalization is a point? It could be accounted for many things but linking it to illegal immigration is a stretch.

it is not a point.. it is full consequence.. somebody becomes richer others not..
>>My true colors are showing :o) I'm sorry. :o) Of course, if I must be honest. He had a point :o)
>>>Smartass (lol).
>>>>If most citizens of Brazil feel as you do Claudio, I really admire that. It presents a simple solution. Brazil can have responsibility for all illegal immigrants from Mexico in this country. Get the boats here and take 12 million to Brazil. Wonder how long that will take? Lets let the media know today. Once it's on tv they will start lining up I'm sure. I'm sure you can house a few :o)
>>>>>>Please understand...this is not directed at *ANY* nationality in particular.
>>>>>sure.. sure.. but, be carefull.. maybe your thread start many excuses from others to do it.. I lived there for a while (not in illegal condition).. Great party of my family is natural of US (living fine also).. And, I know what is inside of heart of many US natural people.. The central point is protection.. protection against the american way of life and values..
>>>>>But, every action cause a reaction.. And the natural reaction of the globalization of economy is that immigration from poor 3rd world condictions to rich ones..
>>>>>Think.. As instance, you're a father living (and been born) in a desert of mexico receiving less than US$60 per month.. 2 hungry daughters and a wife.. your patrimony is the clothes that you dress.. In less than 5 hours (sometimes walking) has a dream land..
>>>>>..You will be illegal there.. Well, faced to the hungry condiction this is only a detail..
>>>>>>If someone breaks the law, they should face the consequences rather than be rewarded for doing so. If *I* broke into someone's home in Brazil, or Russia, or England, or somewhere else and asked for the same treatment I mentioned, would I receive it? Somehow I doubt it -- instead I believe that the local authorities would have a serious discussion with me in a room buried somewhere under the police station :-) ...
>>>>>Your point-of-view is the confort side.. Just pointing the fingers.. The situation is far complex than discover who is guilty or not.. Maybe you're also guilty.. Maybe me.. Maybe all the human race are..
>>>>>>That's the only point I wish to make with this post. We're *rewarding* criminals, regardless of their country, for **breaking the law**. If those who do so wish instead to *follow the rules* and enter the US by legal means, I'll welcome them (as will others).
>>>>>Laws never stop anyone in this planet.. If the traffic light is red and all that we're going to do is to measure the level of danger to cross or not.. You did this before, I did, every driver did.. All depend of our excuses for the moment..
>>>>>Those mexican people are so guilty as us.. Because all the human race is responsible for the world that WE build..
>>>>>>>Well.. Here in my home city.. we take the scenario:
  • My groceries:
    >>>>>>>at Carrefour (France).. Many brands found there, if we take a look at the bottom, hummm, maybe thousand labeled with MADE IN USA.. ENGLAND.. FRANCE.. etc..
  • Hungry?!?:
    >>>>>>>BigMac.. Or Wendy's.. Well.. Pizza Hut itis few 5 blocks down..
  • Well, what about to rent a movie?!?
  • Buy a car:
    >>>>>>>Chevrolet, Ford, Wolkswagon..
  • Humm.. Let's see a TV show:
    >>>>>>>Wow.. David Letterman.. Huummm.. seeeee.. Friday is day of: Raiders of Miths..
  • Gasoline:
    >>>>>>>Exxon or sometimes Shell..
  • wow.. I almost forget:
    >>>>>>>At this exactly moment.. I'm listening Eric Clapton unplugged's Layla..
  • Finally:
    >>>>>>>My computer runs now Microsoft, Avast, Corel, Macromedia, etc..

  • >>>>>>>
    >>>>>>>Please, You.. people of USA.. Could you explain the concept of "our house" inside the context of your approuch (add to my one)?
    >>>>>>>Ahhh.. ok... the "owner" concept it is usefull only for my own job's protection not valid on the others country..
    >>>>>>>"Ariba Mexico"!! The last one to leave please turn off the lights!! <g>
    >>>>>>>What about cubans?? Japaneses?? Brazilians?? Go go go..<bg>
    >>>>>>>Now serious.. The people of USA can complain about a thousand of things.. except for invasion..
    >>>>>>>>> Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests.
    >>>>>>>>> Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your house, you insist that I leave. But I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors; I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house).
    >>>>>>>>> According to the protesters, not only must you let me stay, you must add me to your family's insurance plan, educate my kids, and provide other benefits to me and to my family (my husband will do your yard work because he too is hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part). If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my right to be there.
    >>>>>>>>> It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm hard-working and honest, um, except for well, you know.
    >>>>>>>>> And what a deal it is for me!! I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of selfishness, prejudice and being an anti-housebreaker. Oh yeah, and I want you to learn my language so you can communicate with me.
    >>>>>>>>Why can't people see how ridiculous this is? Only in America....
    "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, Ephesians 3:20

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