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Is it me, or is this Don Imus thing getting overblown?
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Yep, my kids and all their friends call each other "my N". They got it from the rap stuff. The US is spiraling downward at an ever accelerating pace. Being smart is deemed stupid! Aaaarrrggghhhh! Oh well, in another 100 years, it won't matter....

I'm sure 100 years from now, rap will be supplanted by something even worse.

At dinner tonight (pizza and NHL playoffs), I actually got so worked up about this subject that my family had to threaten me with a "timeout". ;)

I am so digusted with Sharpton and his buddy Jesse Jackson - they are nothing but RACIAL AMBULANCE CHASERS. Jackson is nothing but a fool, and Sharpton is a manipulative racist with blood on his hands (for those who remember Crown Heights and other incidents). Maybe part of my reaction is because of the year-long debacle with the Duke lacrosse players and all the racial motivation.

If the CBS execs weren't dumber than a bag of hammers, they'd realize that a man with millions of listeners also has the power to change things. I'd never expect Imus to turn into Mr. P.C. (nor would I want him to), but he could be the one to address the problem that he started.

A friend made a comment the other day along the lines of "the constitution doesn't offer protection against being offended" (or words to that effect). Do the Rutgers players have a right to be upset? Sure. It was a mean and stupid thing for Imus to say. But for Christ sake, they also need to grow up. If "nappy-headed ho" is the worst thing they're ever called in their lifetimes, it hardly warrants this kind of reaction.

(In fairness, there's one argument being made that I also don't buy - the argument that what Imus said is no worse that the lyrics in most rap songs. While that's true, it's hardly an argument. The implication of the argument is that the garbage of rap...and it is pure GARBAGE...has somehow achieved a baseline standard).

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