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GunMan Spent Time in Mental Health Facility
19/04/2007 10:34:37
19/04/2007 10:24:00
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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>>>>>>>>>Since he was never prosecuted for any crime, he was able to purchase the weapons. However, there is ample evidence that he was mentally ill... This article doesn't mention his English teacher contacting the police earlier due to disturbing writings (that was on morning news)
>>>>>>>>As you seem very reluctant to ban guns in the US I would have thought additional tax on them could be used to pay for additional checking of the buyer and of their justification for buying a gun.
>>>>>>>Justification? I thought all the buyer needed in the U.S. was to show a lack of any criminal record. Does he also have to show some sort of justification?
>>>>>>Yes thats right. But some investigation of what the gun is for would be a good idea plus evidence of training in how to use it. Its an offense to use a car without a license proving you have been trained how to use it, the same should be true of guns.
>>>>>Personally, I feel that is reasonable, and I would comply. However, I have noticed a trend that most hunters/gun enthusiasts seem to be Republican and are against more regulations and government interference in general.
>>>>Yes the training could also incorporate some element of checking you aren't a complete nutter. It wouldn't be foolproof but it would probably have caught this guy.
>>>Now when you talk about that, you are approaching a slippery slope. What is definition of a complete nutter? If I took depression medicine 5 years ago in college, should I be qualified to buy a firearm today?
>>I'd say the simple answer then is "no".
>Why not? I have handled firearms since I was 10 years old. I have passed hunter's safety classes, and have never been in trouble with the law. You think I shouldn't be able to buy/own a gun because I had some rough times in college years ago?

If a line's gotta be drawn yes. Maybe you're a ticking time bomb, quietly biding your time. The USA has visa laws whereby anybody convicted of a crime gets a hard time entering the country, no matter how long ago, subject to an amnesty, how trivial. Just cos a guy stole a loaf of bread in the UK doesn't mean he's gonna defraud the USA of her gold reserves. The taking of the depression medicine might betray a propensity for depression that may recur next time you're on a downer (maybe when it's too late nd you already have your gun) - maybe you keep a secret stash of the medicine - maybe you've only been good while on the meds, etc.

'pends a lot on whether at you gun classes they noticed that tell-tale tic in your left eye.

Mind you, if they applied that law then none of you would have a gun, cos you've all been to "counselling" over their, nicht wahr? :-)
- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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