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26/04/2007 10:16:14
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Visual FoxPro
Re: Vfp
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Visual FoxPro:
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2000 Server
Visual FoxPro
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>It is my understanding that BillG has a custom programmed email filter (guess the standard MS stuff didn't cut it) and that beyond that he has a person whose only job is to cull the remaining emails and prioritize them.

I tought so :)
Aldough If I was him, I wld use some crazy named address (at GMAIL.COM!)
so I can hv normal email exchange with close friends and family.

>Probally reads a very small percentage, and those mostly from employees or other super-rich people such as Buffet/Jobs.
>>>Do you think this is it? bill.gates@microsoft.com
>>More likely you gonna hit some 'bot' or PR dpt
>>or both.
>>I don't believe he wld ever read personally public email like this.
>>Probably there is couple of (hundred) thousand emails heading there daily.
>>Sendind at Bill@WildNewGadgets.com will probably have better chance of getting straight to him ... <vbg>
>>Cheers :)
>>>>>Nice. Did Calvin say when this VB10 will be available?
>>>>>BTW, yesterday I talked to a client of mine in a county planning department about VFP's future (trying to maintain full disclosure here, even if it hurts...). Here's a guy who works almost exclusively with SQL server data, and I've written VFP apps against their big SQL server parcel databases. He in turn uses VFP exclusively to query and tweak the massive amounts of SQL data in the server. He looked at me in disbelief and said: "That's INSANE! NOW how am I going to quickly query, analyze and report my SQL Server data?" I didn't know quite what to say, except that VFP will be around for a while longer. And here's but one tiny case study, which nevertheless represents maybe hundreds of thousands of people out there who RELY on VFP to slice and dice and make sense of their data warehouses on a daily basis.
>>>>>I came away from the meeting thinking "You know what, the guy is right and I'm already jaded. It IS insane for MS to kill this super-mature and easily approachable product! Why on earth would they do that?"
>>>>In those long threads folowing anouncement, someone explained it as 'cultural difference' to the rest of the world; something to effect that in US is considered *generally OK* to left your long loyal customers in cold in pursuit of higher profits.
>>>>Accrding to this mentality, you should simply offer your client full rewrite
>>>>in NET and charge him at prevailing market prices. That will be *lot* of hours even if 'baking' data in NET improve beyond all of our believes.
>>>>So You will be M$ Hero, local NET campus hero (write some articles alongside), maybe even your wife/family hero for purchasing ...
>>>>Almost everybody happy, except for that client of yours, who all of
>>>>a sudden (some years after 2014) have to fork out (loan?) big bucks for new 'investment' in technology. And all that because time after Vista came and VFP no longer works.
>>>>Or he decides that all this is to expensive of a sport, and remain with
>>>>XP/Vista forever, or God forbid - change platform !!
>>>>What bugs me here is;
>>>>That it is NOT M$ local representative, one who will have to explain that guy why he will be in IT trouble all over again 10-15 years from now.
>>>>That 'pleasure' will remain solely with You & me - guys who he knew and trusted all these years...
>>>>That sucks.
>>>>>>Okay folks. Everything will be fine now. I just instructed Milind to tell Calvin Hsai to load all the VFP he can into the next VB release. Failing that he could just rename VFP9 to VB10.
>>>>>>Also noted - MySQL hits $50 million revenue, plans IPO
Srdjan Djordjevic
Limassol, Cyprus

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