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Results Sets from Stored Procedures
15/05/2007 17:34:57
Moacyr Zalcman
Independent Consultant
São Paulo, Brazil
General information
Microsoft SQL Server
Stored procedures, Triggers, UDFs
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This message has been marked as the solution to the initial question of the thread.
Instead of using @@rowcount, declare a variable of type int and select the count of records to it. Then use it in your comparison..

declare @Rows int

set @Rows = (select * from #DUtil where dia=@dtinicio)

if @Rows = 0
SET @dataRetorno=@dtinicio

>Hi, Sergey
>I give just an example, but it is probably a bad one.
>I will show you my real need:
>I have this sproc
>@ndias_calc int,@ldpontopartida datetime,@dataRetorno datetime
>     if @ndias_calc=0
>       BEGIN
>            SET @dataRetorno=cast(convert(CHAR(11),@ldpontopartida,113) as datetime)
>            RETURN 1
>       END
>     DECLARE @dtinicio datetime
>     DECLARE @ndias Numeric(2,0)
>     DECLARE @counter Numeric(2,0)
>     DECLARE @diautil bit
>     if @ndias_calc<0
>        BEGIN
>             SET @dtinicio=cast(convert(CHAR(11),@ldpontopartida,113) as datetime)-@ndias_calc-12
>             SET @ndias=ABS(@ndias_calc)+12
>        END
>     else
>       BEGIN
>             SET @dtinicio=cast(convert(CHAR(11),@ldpontopartida,113) as datetime)
>             SET @ndias=@ndias_calc+12
>       END
>        create table #DTodos(dia datetime, util bit)
>        create table #DUtil(dia datetime,util bit)
>        SET @counter=0
>        while @counter<=@ndias
>              BEGIN
>                    insert into #DTodos values(@dtinicio+@counter,case when datepart(dw,@dtinicio+@counter) between 2 and 6 then 1 else 0 end)
>                    SET @counter=@counter+1
>              END
>        update #Dtodos set util=0 where dia in (select dtferiado from feriado where dtferiado>=@dtinicio);
>        if @ndias_calc>0
>           BEGIN
>                insert into #Dutil select dia,util from #DTodos where util=1 or dia=@dtinicio
>                DECLARE @Teste Cursor
>                select * from #DUtil where dia=@dtinicio
>                if @@rowcount=0
>                   SET @dataRetorno=@dtinicio
>                else
>                    BEGIN
>                         DECLARE cr_dutil cursor local static for select * from #DUtil where dia>=@dtinicio
>                         open cr_dutil
>                         fetch first from cr_dutil into @dataRetorno,@diautil
>                         if @diautil=0
>                             set @ndias_calc=@ndias_calc+1
>                         fetch relative @ndias_calc from cr_dutil into @dataRetorno,@diautil
>                         close cr_dutil
>                         deallocate cr_dutil
>                    END
>           END
>        ELSE
>            BEGIN
>                set @dtinicio=cast(convert(CHAR(11),@ldpontopartida,113) as datetime)
>                insert into #Dutil select dia,util from #DTodos where util=1 or dia=@dtinicio
>                select * from #DUtil where dia=@dtinicio
>                if @@rowcount=0
>                   SET @dataRetorno=@dtinicio
>                else
>                    BEGIN
>                         DECLARE cr_dutil cursor local static for select * from #DUtil where dia<=@dtinicio
>                         open cr_dutil
>                         fetch last from cr_dutil into @dataRetorno,@diautil
>                         if @diautil=0
>                             set @ndias_calc=@ndias_calc-1
>                         fetch relative @ndias_calc from cr_dutil into @dataRetorno,@diautil
>                         close cr_dutil
>                         deallocate cr_dutil
>                    END
>           END
>       drop table #Dtodos
>       drop table #DUtil
>       RETURN 1
>This sproc receive two parameters, an inicial date and a number of days and I get the date after that inicial date plus that number of days excluding weekend and holidays( the holidays I have in a table called 'feriado') as an output parameter.
>Everything works fine, but when I run these sproc I get the output parameter and also an cursor that was created with the [select * from #DUtil where dia=@dtinicio]. I don't need this cursor. Is there any way to avoid the delivery of this cursor to the client?
>I hope you can now understand my need and thanks for your help.

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