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Grid's tooltip
21/05/2007 13:13:05
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Visual FoxPro
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Windows XP SP2
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>Here is the code (I translated some of the comments and tried to isolate timer's code as a separate class with all the required functionality).
>*** Tooltip in grid example by Igor Korolev
>Create Table test1 (nId I, cName C(180), cMemo M)
>For I = 1 To 20
>	Insert Into test1 (nId, cName, cMemo) Values (Int (Rand ()*1000000), ;
>		"Long record" + Replicate (Transform (Rand()*100000000000) + " ", 5)+ " last word", ;
>		"Very long memo record " + Replicate (Transform (Rand()*100000000000) + " ", 10) + " one last word")
>Go Top In test1
>Public oform1
>*-- Form:         form1
>*-- ParentClass:  form
>*-- BaseClass:    form
>*-- Time Stamp:   04/16/02 02:33:05 PM
>Define Class form1 As Form
>	Top = 0
>	Height = 240
>	Width = 372
>	Caption = "Form1"
>	Name = "Form1"
>	Add Object grid1 As Grid With ;
>		ColumnCount = -1, ;
>		Height = 240, ;
>		Left = 0, ;
>		Top = 0, ;
>		Width = 372, ;
>		Name = "Grid1", ;
>		RowSource = "test1"
>	Add Object _tooltipengine1 As _tooltipengine
>     PROCEDURE Init
>          thisform._tooltipengine1.oGridObj = thisform.grid1
>	Procedure Resize
>		Thisform.grid1.Width = Thisform.Width
>		Thisform.grid1.Height = Thisform.Height
>	Endproc
>*-- Class:        _TooltipEngine
>*-- ParentClass:  timer
>*-- BaseClass:    timer
>*-- Time Stamp:   04/07/02 04:01:14 PM
>*-- Timer to show multi-line tooltip
>Define Class _tooltipengine As Timer
>	Height = 0
>	Width = 0
>	Interval = 200
>	*-- Width of the tooltip if the control doesn't explicitly set  _nTooltipWidth
>	nDefaultWidth = 100
>	*-- Do we want to show tooltip?
>	lShowTips = .T.
>	*-- Tooltip window object reference
>	oToolTip = NULL
>	* Grid object reference
>	oGridObj  = NULL
>	Name = "_tooltipengine"
>	Procedure Init
>		If Version (5) < 700
>			Return .F.
>		Endif
>		Declare Integer GetWindowRect In WIN32API ;
>			INTEGER HWnd, String @ lpRect
>		If This.lShowTips
>			This.AddProperty ("cLastObjPath", "")
>			Thisform.ShowTips = .F.
>			This.oToolTip = Newobject ("_TooltipWindow", This.ClassLibrary)
>			This.oToolTip.Move (-1000, -1000, 0, 0)
>			This.oToolTip.Show ()
>			Thisform.Show ()
>			If Type ("ThisForm._ñTooltipUniqID") # "C"
>				Thisform.AddProperty ("_cTooltipUniqID", Sys(2015))
>			Endif
>		Endif
>	Procedure Timer
>		Local lcRect, lnTop, lnLeft
>		Local Array laTmp (4)
>		If Thisform.LockScreen Or _Screen.LockScreen Or !Thisform.Visible Or !This.lShowTips
>			Return
>		Endif
>		If Amouseobj (laTmp, 1) = 4 And Type ("m.laTmp(2)._cTooltipUniqID") == "C" And ;
>				m.laTmp(2)._cTooltipUniqID = Thisform._cTooltipUniqID And ;
>				TYPE ("m.laTmp(1)") == "O" And !Isnull (m.laTmp(1))
>			If This.cLastObjPath == Sys (1272, laTmp(1))
>				* Show tooltip
>				lcRect = Space (16)
>				= GetWindowRect (Thisform.HWnd, @m.lcRect)
>				If Lower (m.laTmp(2).BaseClass) == "toolbar"
>					lnTop = m.laTmp (4) + Asc (Substr (m.lcRect, 5)) + 2^8 * Asc (Substr(m.lcRect, 6)) + ;
>						2^16 * Asc (Substr (m.lcRect, 7)) + 2^24 * Asc (Substr (m.lcRect, 8))+ ;
>						IIF (m.laTmp(2).Docked, 0, Sysmetric (34) + Sysmetric (4)) + 8
>					lnLeft = m.laTmp (3) + Asc (m.lcRect) + 2^8 * Asc (Substr (m.lcRect,2)) + ;
>						2^16 * Asc (Substr (m.lcRect, 3)) + 2^24 * Asc (Substr (m.lcRect, 4)) +;
>						IIF (m.laTmp(2).Docked, Sysmetric (10), Sysmetric (3)) + 2
>				Else && Form
>					lnTop = laTmp (4) + Asc (Substr (m.lcRect, 5)) + 2^8 * Asc (Substr(m.lcRect, 6)) + ;
>						2^16 * Asc (Substr (m.lcRect, 7)) + 2^24 * Asc (Substr (m.lcRect, 8))+ ;
>						IIF (laTmp(2).TitleBar = 1, Iif (laTmp(2).HalfHeightCaption,Sysmetric (34), Sysmetric (9)), 0) + 12 - ;
>						ThisForm.ViewPortTop
>					lnLeft = laTmp (3) + Asc (m.lcRect) + 2^8 * Asc (Substr (m.lcRect,2)) + ;
>						2^16 * Asc (Substr (m.lcRect, 3)) + 2^24 * Asc (Substr (m.lcRect, 4))+ ;
>						+ 4 - Thisform.ViewPortLeft
>				Endif
>				Local lnWhat, lnRow, lnCol, lcCaption
>				lcCaption = ""
>				Thisform.LockScreen = .T.
>				If This.oGridObj.GridHitTest (m.laTmp (3), m.laTmp (4), ;
>						@m.lnWhat, @m.lnRow, @m.lnCol)
>					If m.lnWhat = 3
>						m.lnCol = m.lnCol + This.oGridObj.LeftColumn - 1
>						If This.oGridObj.RelativeRow # 0
>							lnRow = m.lnRow - This.oGridObj.RelativeRow
>							If m.lnRow # 0
>								Skip m.lnRow In This.oGridObj.RecordSource
>								lcCaption = ;
>									TRANSFORM (Evaluate (This.oGridObj.Columns(m.lnCol).ControlSource))
>								Skip -m.lnRow In This.oGridObj.RecordSource
>							Else
>								lcCaption = ;
>									TRANSFORM (Evaluate (This.oGridObj.Columns(m.lnCol).ControlSource))
>							Endif
>						Else
>							Mouse Click Left
>							lcCaption = ;
>								TRANSFORM (Evaluate(This.oGridObj.Columns(m.lnCol).ControlSource))
>						Endif
>					Else
>						* We're not on the column with data						lcCaption = "Nothing to display"
>					Endif
>				Endif
>				This.oToolTip.lblText.Caption = Left (Alltrim (m.lcCaption),255)
>				Thisform.LockScreen = .F.
>				This.oToolTip.lblText.Width = Iif (Type ("m.laTmp(1)._nTooltipWidth") == "N" And ;
>					!Empty (m.laTmp(1)._nTooltipWidth), ;
>					laTmp(1)._nTooltipWidth, This.nDefaultWidth)
>				_Screen.LockScreen = .T.
>				This.oToolTip.lblText.Visible = .F.
>				This.oToolTip.lblText.Visible = .T.
>				lnWidth = This.oToolTip.lblText.Width
>				lnHeight = This.oToolTip.lblText.Height
>				This.oToolTip.Move (m.lnLeft, m.lnTop, m.lnWidth, m.lnHeight)
>				_Screen.LockScreen = .F.
>			Else
>				This.cLastObjPath = Sys (1272, m.laTmp(1))
>				This.oToolTip.Move (-1000, -1000, 0, 0)
>			Endif
>		Else
>			* Hide tooltip
>			This.cLastObjPath = ""
>			This.oToolTip.Move (-1000, -1000, 0, 0)
>		Endif
>	Endproc
>*-- Class:        _tooltipwindow
>*-- ParentClass:  form
>*-- BaseClass:    form
>*-- Time Stamp:   04/07/02 03:54:05 PM
>*-- Window to show tooltip
>Define Class _tooltipwindow As Form
>	Desktop = .T.
>	ShowWindow = 1
>	BorderStyle = 1
>	Caption = ""
>	TabStop = .F.
>	TitleBar = 0
>	AlwaysOnTop = .T.
>	Name = "_tooltipwindow"
>	Add Object lblText As Label With ;
>		AutoSize = .T., ;
>		FontSize = 8, ;
>		WordWrap = .T., ;
>		BackStyle = 0, ;
>		Caption = "TooltipText", ;
>		Name = "lblText"
>	Procedure Init
>		Declare Integer GetSysColor In WIN32API Integer
>		This.BackColor = GetSysColor (24) && TooltipBackColor
>		This.lblText.ForeColor = GetSysColor (23) && TooltipForeColor
>	Endproc
>	Procedure lblText.MouseMove
>		Lparameters nButton, nShift, nXCoord, nYCoord
>		Thisform.Move (-1000, -1000, 0 ,0)
>	Endproc
>	Procedure lblText.Click
>		Thisform.Move (-1000, -1000, 0 ,0)
>	Endproc
>** The most dificult task, as you can see,
>*** was to figure out how to find the field's content
>*** where the mouse cursor is located
>*** In case the cell is in the invisible part of the grid
>*** (as a result of scrolling), it's almost impossible to find the cell value,
>*** that's why I added MOUSE CLICK for such cases.
>** I would appreciate your comments
>** WBR, Igor Korolev
Wow, that's way more code than what I've got. For now, I can live with the little quirk of moving the mouse cursor that I've got, but I will have to fix it at some point, so this may come in handy. Thanks.
Microsoft Visual FoxPro MVP


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