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How to split MP3 file into many?
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>>>I agree with your choice of TotalRecorder. It's also one of the few that I found that can do automation.
>>If you don't mind, could you share what kind of automation you do with TotalRecorder?
ts = SECONDS()
>*tra = CREATEOBJECT("TotalRecorder.Application")		&& not needed - for user interface
>trsf = CREATEOBJECT("TotalRecorder.SoundFormat")
>trd = CREATEOBJECT("TotalRecorder.Document")
>trd.Open("c:\testts2mp3.wav")		&& Open the source file
>trsf.FormatType = 0		&&  0 = FormatTag	1	PCM (uncompressed sound) , including High Quality
>				&&			2	Microsoft ADPCM
>				&&			3	PCM IEEE float 32 bit
>				&&			34	DSP Group TrueSpeech(TM)
>				&&			85	MPEG Layer-3
>				&&  1 = Ogg Vorbis format FormatTag not used
>				&&  2 = Format Tag	353	Windows Media Audio V7
>				&&			354	Windows Media Audio 9 Professional
>				&&			355	Windows Media Audio 9 Lossless
>				&&			10	Windows Media Audio 9 Voice
>				&&  3 = FLAC format FormatTag not used
>trsf.FormatTag = 85		&& MP3		&& Set the new format
>***trsf.FormatTag = 10		&& WMA			&& Set the new format
>* not all combinations available
>* See C:\InstalledUtilities\TotalRecorder\Automation\TotRecAuto.hlp
>*	SoundFormat.Validate method for details
>* For MP3 format, you must set FormatType = 0, FormatTag = 85,
>*	and the Channels, SamplesPerSec, BitrateMin, BitrateMax, and BitrateNom properties
>*	depending on the BitrateType.
>* For Windows Media Audio format, you must set FormatType = 2. The FormatTag,
>*	Channels, SamplesPerSec, BitrateType, BitrateNom and WMAQuality properties
>*	should be set depending on the BitrateType.
>trsf.Channels = 1			&& 1/2 mono/stereo
>trsf.SamplesPerSec = 8000	       && kHz 8000/11025/12000/16000/22050/24000/32000/44100/48000
>trsf.BitrateNom = 16			&& bps 4/5/6/8/16/18/20/24/32/40/48/64/80/96/112/128/160/192/224/256/320
>***trsf.BitrateType = 3		       && WMA 0 (Quality Managed bit rate) or 3 (Constant Bit Rate) only
>***trsf.WMAQuality = 0			&& not used for BitrateType=3 (1-100)
>trsf.Validate()			&& Make sure it's a valid combo
>IF trsf.Valid
>***  trd.SaveAs("c:\test2.mp3",trsf)		&& Save the document with the new format 1/8000/16
>*  NOTE  automation won't save if the UI version is running!!!!
>***  trd.SaveAs("c:\test29v.wma",trsf)		&& Save the document with the new format
>  ? "File saved"
>  ?trd.Saved
>tra = NULL
>trd = NULL
>trsf = NULL
>te = SECONDS()
>? te-ts
>Sorry, but this code was last used to convert a TrueSpeech format WAV to WMA 9 Voice format. We had done MP3 before, and I *think* I've commented out the code you don't need.

Thank you very much for sharing the code. I have never worked with sound files in my applications, and was curious what kind of projects can be done with sound files.
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