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Jerry Falwell dies
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>> I accept that his goals were different than mine, and I don't think I'd like to live in a world where he'd achieved his goals (most of which seem to be about going back to a lifestyle we've been working our way out of for a couple of generations). I want to live in a world where the color of your skin, the way you choose to worship, who you love, where your family came from, and much more is irrelevant, and what counts is what you do.
>To characterize Jerry Falweel as such is nothing less than slanderous (libelous?). It always amazes me how normally intelligent people are willing to believe such things with little or no persoanl research in the matters into which they intrude.
>I know you will see the error of your claims by visiting this web site for 'The Center', an outreach of Thomas Road Baptist Church, Falwell's church. http://thecenter.cn/index.php
>If you click on the 'Staff' link, you will see a refutation of your claims. I hope you will be motivated into issuing a retraction.
>In fact, attandence at Liberty University, founded ny Falwell, pretty much follows the demographics of the nation as a whole with regard to enthnicity.
>Look, I don't know how I've gotten myself in the position of defending Jerry Falwell. I was not a follower of the man. But when I see fellow professionals, whom I have grown to respect, parroting unenlightened media sound bites, it screws with my mind. Please folks, DO A LITTLE RESEARCH!!!

How about sexual orientation? How many of his staff do you figure are gay? Look, bluntly, the bottom line is that he stood (or sat, I suppose) in front of the world and declared that the towers were destroyed and thousands killed, directly because of gay people (and others). That is an incitement for his followers. That is on record. It is who he was. I can't see any reason for anyone to apologise for believing (and saying) that someone who spreads hate as a normal part of his evangelism, is not a good man.

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