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Message from Naomi
05/06/2007 15:07:56
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Visual FoxPro
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Just to clarify to lurkers, the friend Naomi is referring to who also tried to log in and out as Andy, is NOT me. As a certified security administrator for the government, I would never even consider such a thing. A couple of users have misread her email and assumed she meant me (it could be read that way). I have had absolutely nothing to do with this entire situation. I have, however, attempted to provide Naomi support in seeking professional counseling for everything she has been experiencing the past few months and will continue to do so.

>Naomi has sent me a series of messages and e-mails, one of which is a full response. I have recommended to her that she "come clean" and respond, but she does not wish to do so at this time. She has, however, given me permission to post her response.
>I am only doing this because I think the record needs to be set straight. I'm not doing this to help her nor to hurt her. The following is a copy/paste of her email. Please do not respond to me with any comments, questions, etc, as I won't reply to them. I received this email today at 1:54 PM. Here it is:
>I promised to write an explanation to you about what happened in now deleted thread at MSDN and I'm going to keep my promise, though I'm ashamed of something I did.
>When googling on various topics I saw references to foxite. I didn't hear about this site before, but then decided to join it. Also I thought I try to use foxite more and as less UT as possible to avoid the pain I felt every time logging into it.
>So I joined foxite and was greeted by Andy with "we can use some smart people here". I don't know was it said sincerely then or was it a mockery already.
>Soon after there was a question about sending some keys combination. I recalled I saw a recent thread with two different solutions (WSH and Windows API) discussed. So I made a reference to this thread. Immediately both Andy and Marcia told me I'm doing an advertisement. I didn't even think my words can be interpreted as such, but apologized.
>Few days later I received a letter from Eric starting with:
>You are thinking you're being helpful. But there is no shortage of VFP expertise on the forum..." (I posted the whole letter in "YAG" thread later).
>I took it as very harmful and replied, that I would try to restrain myself from answering and will try not to mention UT in my messages.
>I strongly believe now that this warning letter was written not by Eric, but by Andy himself. He used the exact same expression "no shortage of VFP expertise" in one of the replies to me later at MSDN.
>But at this time I had absolutely no suspicion about Andy/Marcia involvement in this case.
>Two weeks later at home when I tried to login I received a message "Your account was disabled by web administrator". There were no explanations.
>Next day I contacted Eric using that old warning message as a starting point and tried to ask him, what was the reason for the ban. He stated about my referencing UT in each of my message (which was not true), asking for new features (which I didn't ask), comparing foxite with UT (which I didn't do). I tried to explain it and also tried to explain two potential problematic cases with Luca and Adam. He also stated that he received a "slap in the face" from me, when I said, he had an account on UT.
>Basically, there was a discussion (don't remember who started it) and Eric told, he doesn't have a UT account. Now, just about a month or so before somebody (was it Russell C - I don't remember) mentioned Eric and at that time I made a search and found his member's ID. That's why I answered in that thread, that he does have a UT account. I was thinking at that time, he simply forgot about it, since many members create accounts long ago and never login.
>So we discussed this point in our e-mail exchange. In one of the last messages Eric said, that he made a research on me and found I caused troubles on other sites, so now he had to protect his web-site from me. I said, that it sounds very strange and you can ask Andy Kr, Marcia Akins, Dragan N, Borislav B and Frank C what do they think about my participation in the site (I had no idea at that time that Andy and Marcia may be against me). I did cc my reply to several other people such as Borislav and Dragan. At this he answered that we simply disagree with each other and if I want to be helpful, I should do it on UT.
>This reply did crash me at that time and I replied that I see it as a case of unfair justice and I have no other choice that to go and kill myself. That was exactly what did I feel at the moment and that's why I wrote it. Then I shut down my computer and went out thinking of going to the street and running under the bus. But I stopped after thinking a bit more and returned back to work.
>Then I tried to ask Borislav Borissov to speak with Eric about me and tell him I would try to comply to all the rules. All Borislav can get from him, that some people made a strong case against me and also somehow connected my name with Terry Turber, who can be a problem sometimes. Note, that Terry was temporary suspended from UT at that time and accidentally joined foxite at the same time I did.
>So, basically Borislav can not get anything and I was still feeling wrongly banned. At that time I sent an apology letter to Eric, I also sent a private message on UT to Andy not knowing he may be behind the whole scheme. I got 0 replies. A week later I sent a letter to Ken Murphy (another foxite moderator I had never heard of before) with 0 reply as well.
>So then I asked Peter de Valenca to help me. I gave him all my replies to Eric, also all my messages on foxite are visible, so everyone can judge, what exactly did I do wrong.
>At this time I also found an MSDN forum and started to answer there. Soon there was a question about google earth where I knew about an interesting discussion on UT. I tried to give a link to this discussion. I found my answer deleted. Since it somehow happened at the same time, as the forum experienced difficulties, I attributed it to this. I also sent an e-mail to Andy at this time from my work address asking what is the problem with forums? I didn't get a reply.
>Then I re-posted this link and found it deleted again. So, I understood it was done intentionally and then I had to copy/paste some code from the thread. Also Andy replied, that I should not post links to UT.
>At this time I remembered his reply to Mike Beane and very negative comments about UT. I put 2 and 2 together and I stated my position regarding referencing existing solutions on both sites - UT and MSDN.
>You probably remember how bad turned this "YAG" thread and that soon I was in the defense position with Marcia and John Baird attacking me. I asked then Andy to give the references with the posts on foxite that were considered inappropriate. Marcia replied, that Andy is putting 60 hours per week with client's work and that this would be very low in his priorities list. That I should forget about it and move on. The exact advice I got about what happened in December.
>But in both cases it hurts, hurts a lot, because I didn't know what was wrong in what I did.
>Soon else there was a question on MDSN from a government employee. When I was replying, I remarked, that I also work for the government (stupid as always to share personal info). Then immediately Andy asked, how did I find time posting on so many forums, and then accused me of stealing money. Marcia then posted times and messages IDs of my UT replies that day.
>I sent a reference to this MSDN thread to Tracy H in private message, so she did see how ugly it was.
>I then made a reference to this thread in my reply to John Ryan (not checking yet that several posts were deleted already) and then Marcia repeated the "stealing money" accusations on UT. Again I was put in the defense position and luckily Tracy and Peter tried to defend me and I really appreciate their support, because I can never properly defend myself and that's why I tried to keep quiet... Yet there was a point about me being a consultant (and I never hide this fact before, but people didn't use it against me that time). As a UT consultant I mostly fix wrong thread titles, fix wrong message layout (mismatched PRE tags). I also can move threads from one forum to another, can mark correct responses as a solution (and I often do, but I never mark my own responses even in most obvious cases). That's basically what I can do as a consultant and I do it on a regular basis. Now, I do very rarely correct obvious typos in the messages of people I have high respect for. I know I should not do
> it and as I said, I do it rarely.
>Did I alter somebody's messages any time? 4 cases I can remember.
>1. Somebody asked me in private to remove information accidentally put on that may jeopardize company's data.
>2. My own message from December 26, 2006 and messages starting from it (I left the messages intact but removed quote of my own message) + removed personal information shared by one of the participants.
>3. In case of Jos Pols accidentally posting the bad link where he specifically asked moderators to remove it.
>4. In the recent "YAG" thread when John Ryan posted some questions regarding my employment, etc. I first sent him an e-mail and a private message begging to alter this post since I saw Marcia online and was sure it will bring a new round of torture. I didn't get a response in time and removed part of the message myself. John later re-wrote that message completely.
>Now, I also can freeze threads. I never used this myself and when "YAG" thread turned especially hurtful I sent an e-mail to all three other UT consultants asking them to freeze the thread. I didn't get a reply and the thread continued and the beating in public.
>I also then found cases when Andy was not impartial in marking solution responses. I questioned this in the forum and then Andy told me to post these questions in the appropriate forums I did. I did later get e-mails from Joe Morelly and from Andreas Johansson (two MSFT moderators) and I presented my case with all the thread links. They both deleted or freeze certain threads on MSDN and contacted people involved asking them to leave me alone.
>Then Andy mentioned he sent me an e-mail. I didn't get this e-mail, so I sent an e-mail myself and told, that I respect Andy as a great developer, but I do have a right to question his actions and disagree with some statements. He sent me the message sent earlier there my words were called "bitchy" and where he alluded it would be good for me to stop posting in the MDSN forum. I replied, that I agree with some of the points, that I'm not going to complain as long as I'm not personally attacked.
>Next day he sent the farewell on the MDSN forum. When I made a comment that I didn't want him to leave, since he is a great developer and his answers are certainly appreciated, though I did disagree with his policies and some statements, Marcia came back saying that I should not accuse Andy of being impartial. I can present clear cases and I did in my e-mail to Andreas.
>Then immediately after I found that my account at tek-tips was disabled. Now, I was banned from that forum 4 years ago on a similar case. I did believe at that time and I still believe it, that it was an unfair decision. So soon after at that time I did create a new account on that site, but I didn't use it much till recently. Starting from February, I guess, I did use my account "ilyad" on tek-tips more and more and was in the MVPs list in every VFP related forum. I didn't try to hide, that it was me, making references to UT (after asking a permission) and to Russian forum, as well as to Anatoliy's site, foxite, wikis, Sergey's site, etc.
>So, who did complain about me this time and pointed finger? I think the answer is pretty obvious.
>So, when I found that my tek-tips account was deleted I got angry. I decided to create a new account on both foxite and tek-tips. I didn't try to hide that it was me by making my new account to be "Shalom Rabinovich" at foxite. Immediately after joining I started to answer questions.
>Week later on Saturday (when I do not use computer since it's a day of rest for observant Jews) Andy posted a message on foxite about my new account and he also sent me an e-mail where he said I insulted both him and Eric and that I also insulted my (and his) religion by my behavior. The latest remark I didn't understand - did he allude that he is a Jew too? And also where did he see a religion insult in creating a new account?
>So, at this point I decided to see, that else did he write about me on foxite. He used AndyKr as his login on MSDN. I simply tried to use this combination as both UserID and password and it worked to my surprise. So I did check new messages on foxite using this ID and then I also checked messages he marked as helpful. I found that 90% of them were Marcia's.
>I know I should not have done that. Should not try to create a new account and should not try to hack the account even if it was so easy to hack. But I did that, I admit, and I'm ashamed for this.
>Then I told my friend from Boston about everything what happened. She was always very supportive. I told her about what exactly happened in December at that time, she did try to find words of comfort, so I really appreciate her moral support when I was so down. She and another friend from Boston sometimes helped me to overcome the pain I was feeling. I didn't give my other friend all the details, though, and the only 3 people who knew exactly what happened were Michel, my friend and Tracy H, who I shared this info in a private message.
>So, I told her about the ban and my new account, then she created a new account under her real name and was searching for my messages trying to figure out what I did wrong. Soon her IP was blocked (my work IP was blocked earlier that date).
>She called me later that night saying that her account was blocked. I told her that I hacked Andy's account and told it was very simple (same ID and password). She didn't believe me, thought I was joking, so she tried it out and immediately closed the account. If you can check the log, you'll see, that she was in the account less than 1 sec.
>That's how we got caught and I was even more ashamed now since I also involved my friend into the problem. Next day I received an e-mail from Andy saying I got too far and that he is going to post all the info on UT (Michel got a cc on this message). I replied that Marisha was not me (that's true), that Eric didn't have a right to block my IP (that's also what I think) and that even if I can easily hack anyone's credentials (well, at least such simple cases like Andy's), it doesn't mean that I use them. I obviously didn't use it to gain anything, just wanted to read messages on the forum to see what is said behind my back.
>I also asked Andy to explain, how come the warning message was written by him and not Eric and what did he mean about insulting the religion. He ignored both questions completely, just said, "OK, so you deny everything, now I need to get some evidences from the logs". I replied with the re-cap of everything what happened and asked him why does he always attack me? On this he replied that I'm a "pest, nuisance, self-admitted hacker and impostor" and basically it looked like the case was closed now and he "would not press charges".
>I guess the reason I re-activated that thread was my guilty conscience. I basically got what I deserved for doing what I did. But still I would very much appreciate if the matter would be closed and the accusing blog entries would be removed.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser." - Socrates
Vita contingit, Vive cum eo. (Life Happens, Live With it.)
"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." -- author unknown
"De omnibus dubitandum"

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