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A very very very small note on the issue
05/06/2007 17:19:14
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Visual FoxPro
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Windows XP SP2
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Monitoring as a part of a role or responsibility is not the same thing as monitoring as an individual. I have had to do many things as a responsibility and a part of my job that I would never do on my own or given a choice. For example, corporations regularly monitor online usage by their employees and sporadically scan email messages as well. There are specific positions that hold that responsibility though and they are monitored as well.

>>OK, you want honesty here. I feel that I sometimes have an over-developed sense of integrity and honesty. Security training will do that to you. Having your own privacy invaded will too (both I have experienced).
>Well, at least you are aware of it. Most others here who reacted to my challenge also appear to have an over-developed sense of it, but in a somewhat different direction. They react like little children and have not really grown up yet. You know how little children think about right and wrong, don't you? Something is right or it is wrong, no matter the context. From programmers (who use IF all the time) I had expected more appreciation of the context.
>>The only place I step over that line is when it comes to the safety of my daughter. I use tools to ensure that she is not communicating with a pediphile online. That could be seen as an invasion of her privacy (Mike B sees it that way), but I see it as my responsibility as a parent in today's world. I do not read her diary. I give her the freedom to go online where she wishes, but I monitor it. Until she makes a bad decision she is allowed to make her own decisions. To be fair, there will be some decisions she may regret, but she will hopefully learn (but not get hurt) by her mistakes. I am more concerned with her safety though when it comes to monitoring her online usage. I would never consider doing even that with anyone else. Not even another family member. Parental responsibility is the only thing which allows me to do even that.
>I've never monitored my own children in that way, but I think your monitoring shows more integrity than I showed, because the reason I did not monitor them is because I kind of ignored the possible threat.
>>Having written that, I would never consider invading someone else's privacy intentionally unless my daughter's life was on the line. If that were the case, there is no line I would not cross.
>So, your daughter is the only case? I assume that, at this moment, you can think of no other cases. But I assure you that there are plenty other cases that will let you cross that line.
>Would admitting that make you unfit for your current job? I'd say, on the contrary. It would demonstrate that you have insight in other people and in yourself.

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