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I was banned!
05/06/2007 09:31:26
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Visual FoxPro
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I'm not going to say a thing.

>As long as it has fur on it, it's not considered weird. ;)
>>Some people have a teddy bear. I have a teddy twelve gauge.
>>>>I'd like to see somebody try to pick my 12 gauge while breaking into my home... ;-)
>>>What do you do? Sit up all night inside your door with a shotgun across your lap? ;)
>>>>>There is always a way in, we can only hope to slow them down enough to react safely. Locks can be picked and glass broken. I have special door jammers, special locks, and a security system (all because my daughter lives in the home with me-when she leaves I will bring the guns back in). Also, after the accident with my foot I was very tempted to remove the heavy glass security door. However, I know that kids cruise neighborhoods looking for front doors without the heavy security doors so they can bust the front door with sheer force and get in and out. So, the door will stay up for now. It cannot be opened in a direction that would allow anyone to easily bust the door open. However, key only locks are useless if there is glass nearby that the person can break to turn the key and open the lock. You cannot have key only locks in a house with children or else they cannot get out quickly in the middle of the night if there is a fire. Leaving the key in the lock at night
>>>>>the security. The beautiful French doors that we all love are the easiest to bust into. Just break the glass and walk right in. Security alarms help. We can only hope to slow them down but not actually prevent breakins. Here in this area, it is safe to assume that a homeowner will have a gun handy for protection, but still, kids looking for stuff to sell for money (especially where drugs or gangs are involved) cannot be deterred.
>>>>>A friend of my daughters was shot. Back in the 9th grade he was a funny nice boy who was also very intelligent. They had classes together. Recently he had joined up with a gang and left school. The morning of his court appearance (to be allowed back into school) he broke into an apartment in Fayetteville with 3 other boys (all gang members). He was the first one in. They charged into the home and then charged into the master bedroom where a soldier was sleeping with his wife. The soldier shot him. All 3 had weapons but when the 1st boy was shot the others ran and threw their weapons down. The soldier called 911 and the ambulance arrived for the boy.
>>>>>>Yes, please do. This video shows that many locks can be "picked" via this technique. You might end up wanting to get different locks.
>>>>>>>Thanks for the video link, I'll have to watch it when I get home.
>>>>>>>>Never met a move I liked. Once - crazy me - I agreed to help someone move and forgot my parents were having a small birthday dinner for me that night, so I missed my own birthday celebration. Luckily it was just them and me and my best friend. So my friend and my parents sat there and ate and talked while I helped someone move!
>>>>>>>>Anyway, relating to the locks, have you seen this regarding lock bumping:
>>>>>>>>(This TinyURL takes you to a video on YouTube)
>>>>>>>>>You are too kind Charles as always :o) A little inaccurate though - I'm sure I look better 'blurry.' :o) Isn't that why woman actors use those special filters on the cameras? :o) I spent all last week packing and moving. I just got internet access day before yesterday. I haven't had time to do anything though except turn it all to verify it works and left it that way. Here are some highlights:
>>>>>>>>>1. Rented UHaul truck. It was parked behind other trucks and they had to be moved out of the way to pull it out. I verified the truck number, mileage, and gas level. Then I walked to the front of the place to wait for it to be pulled up to get it out of there and drive out.
>>>>>>>>>2. After arriving to the new house, my kitchen table got dropped on the cement and split in half.
>>>>>>>>>3. Turned in my Uhaul truck only to find out I had driven 8000 miles in 4 hours! Amazing that I could do such a thing. After proving the truck number on the truck did not match the truck number on the contract, it showed I had actually driven 110 miles. This took 4 hours in person to fix. (They pulled the wrong truck up and gave me the keys to it and it was new and identical and stupid me, I did not verify the truck number AGAIN before driving off)
>>>>>>>>>4. I was replacing the locks on the doors and a very heavy security clear glass front door banged against my ankle and cut my foot to the bone and into my achilles tendon. Had to go to the ER and get 10 stitches and a tetnus shot (yuck).
>>>>>>>>>5. Stepped on a nail with my other foot and it went straight through. Luckily, I just had a tetnus shot the day before :o)
>>>>>>>>>I am driving back to the old house today to clean and hopefully there will be no more mishaps! As soon as I unpack either of my two digital cameras (both are packed with my 15 yr old daughter's stuff of course) I will take a new picture :o) I will probably look REALLY OLD though after this past week! :o)
>>>>>>>>>>>I wonder how much extra did you have to pay to have your image artifi.. artistically unfocused? :)
>>>>>>>>>>Trust me on this one. The better you focus, the better Tracy looks.

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