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Paris back in jail
12/06/2007 08:55:10
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That sounds very reasonable.

>I think John's idea is a good one on some misdemeanors. However, your point about many misdemeanors is valid as well. I'm thinking more along the lines of many of the violent crimes that are bargained down to a misdemeanor and then the perp commits the same violent act later. In that case, those previous 'bargained down crimes' should either automatically go back up to a felony or be included in the consideration for current charges and repercussions. There are so many violent crimes that are settled as a lessor crime to avoid the cost and time of a trial (and to guarantee some type of sentence). In those cases where the guilty party repeats another criminal act, those are the cases that need 'special' attention.
>>>>>>So DUI, speeding, making an illegal left turn and having her drivers license suspended, pulled over three times by officers from three different law enforcement agencies during her suspension, not attending alcohol education classes, violating her probation, and being late to court are forgivable and responsible actions? Poor Paris.
>>>>>Psychology 101. If you never administer a "reward", how can you expect to change behavior?
>>>>Psych 101 - Aversion Therapy - keep giving increasingly strong electric shocks until the rat learns "Don't do that" <g>
>>>Well, that may be a little strong for most, but I'm on board! Actually, I've got a couple of democratic representatives who are willing to support legislation that after a person has 5 misdemeanor convictions, any misdemeanor charge thereafter will be escalated to a class E felony. That's the lowest felony which doesn't carry a lot of jail time, but once convicted of a felony, the thugs get the enhanced Federal punishment if they are caught using a handgun. It's a start....
>>You know more about the law than I do but I don't like the idea of elevating misdemeanors to felonies after you reach some magic number. Aren't misdemeanors by definition trivial offenses? I believe speeding is a misdemeanor. By your logic does someone who accumulates 5 speeding tickets (over what time period?) become a felon?
>>You are certainly not alone in your discomfort with crime rates and your willingness to be creative in addressing it. Just beware the Law of Unintended Consequences. i.e. "Three strikes and you're out"

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