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MSVCR80.DLL strangeness
29/06/2007 01:31:14
29/06/2007 00:54:17
Michael Gass
Instructional Software, Inc.
Kirkland, Washington, United States
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>>Hi All
>>We have an app in VFP versions 8 and 9. A few users who install MS Office 2007 are getting a strange error when running our app when our app tries either to run the Dynazip unzip/zip ocx or when it tries to access certain WinAPI functions like ShellExecute(). There are two errors:
>>1) "Couldn't find library MSVCR80.DLL (required by ...\Office12\GrooveUtil.dll)"
>>2) "Couldn't find library MSVCR80.dll (required by ...\WIFD1F~1\MpShHook.dll)"
>>We have one user with this problem running Vista. The other couple of users are running WinXP.
>>We don't use this dll at all so we are at a loss as to why our app (VFP 8/9) should complain. We have found that uninstalling Windows Defender and reinstalling it, or just installing it, or uninstalling Microsoft Spyware Removal Tool, or uninstalling Adobe 8 and reinstalling, solves the problem. I suspect that the uninstall / reinstall of an app which does use this dll correctly re-registers / installs the dll for apps that do need it.
>>Q1) Has anyone else seen this problem? If so what solutions did you come up with?
>>Q2) Why is VFP 8 and 9 complaining about a dll that it doesn't use?
>>NB: Not all our clients with MS Office 2007 are having this problem. It appears to affect just 3 or 4 users. Any other suggestions?
>Jos –
>Here’s a thought. I’m no expert so take it for what it’s worth. It’s probably too late to be of much value anyway but…
>Does your application have merge modules installed with it? The dlls that are ‘missing’ but not associated with your app could have been installed through a merge module and the original dlls overwritten. Are the merge modules set to put their files where they won’t interfere with other applications or are they marked to put their files in default locations? You might ask the users that are having the problem whether they uninstalled your application just prior to having the problem. If they did, your installer might have removed the dlls during the uninstall even though they are being used by other applications. Although, it seems that if your users reinstalled the same application, the dlls would have been put back where they belong, unless an upgrade was installed that didn’t include the same merge modules. Lots of ifs, but it would explain why reinstalling applications that might be using those dlls would solve the problem. Like I said, take it for what it’s worth…
>- Mike

Thanks Mike but the problems seems to have just faded away. I suspect a Windows or Office patch or some such has simply solved it. We dont have the problem anymore.
In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends - Martin Luther King, Jr.

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