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Worlds view of USA
30/06/2007 08:44:04
Walter Meester
30/06/2007 06:44:32
Metin Emre
Ozcom Bilgisayar Ltd.
Istanbul, Turkey
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>Could you make a bit google about turkish-american import-export quantities too? :)
>Could you make a bit google about Turkey's Iraq trade before and after USA's occupation too!!!
>Your country realy harmed Turkey and you talked about your poor credits... Make aid to Africa. You owe them so much...
>I just said America's popularity downed really on the world and you (americans from this forum) really angried and beginned offense. Why you don't try fix that viewpoint? Why you don't think "why world look us like that?" ?

For the average american it is very difficult to look into the mirror because they don't know much about the world outside of it (to what should you compare). They don't understand the complexity of the world outside and the role of the US in it.

Over the years on this forum I've had discussions with people over here who thought that the average norwegian lives of a wage of a busdriver, people who confuse turkish people with north africans in the france riots, people who did not have a clue about the importance of the Netherlands in american history, people not beeing aware of the active dutch military participation in world conflicts like in iraq and afghanistan. And of course there are people who think they understand it because they lived or stayed up here for a limited time, without realising that that world might be very limited as well (if you live in a milirary village for two or three years, are you really getting the culture and politics of that country ??).

Well, how do you deal with those people, trying to explain them complex political, geopolitical, ethnical and financial issues when you have to correct them on basic errors in their basic knowledge. You're trying to learn a pig sing.

Esspecially when it comes to financial aid, it is very tricky to tell who benefits more from the aid: The donor or the recipient. As I said before, why did the US give turkey financial aid? For charity ?? Think again... it mainly has political, military and financial reasons. One client of mine works in 3rd world countries a lot. He told me, that the majority of it flows back to the donor again (Contracts for companies, goods and weapons) and shamefull small percentage actually reaches the population. In holland the Foster Parent Fund was very popular up here in the 80's and 90's, until it came out that for every donated dollar, only 10% reached the child you financially adopted. The other 90% was lost due to burocracy, corruption and huge wages for the managers. I don't think this is an exception for aiding organisations.


>>Wow Metin. Do all Turks believe that fallacy?
>>The United States has loaned and granted Turkey more than $12.5 billion in economic aid and more than $14 billion in military assistance.
>>Let's start with USAid:
>>As a member of NATO and Washington’s ally in the war on terrorism, Turkey is the third largest recipient of U.S. military aid, behind Israel and Egypt. Between 1994 and 2004, it received well over $1.3 billion in FMF and another $21.4 million in IMET.[224] Congress granted another $33 million in FMF and $4 million in IMET in 2005. The President’s request for 2006 is more modest-- $25 million in FMF and $3 million in IMET.[225]
>>In the midst of a thirty-year plan to modernize its military, Turkey purchases an enormous quantity of weapons and other military equipment from the United States. Between 1994 and 2003, Turkey took delivery of more than $6.8 billion in U.S. weaponry and services.[226]
>>Turkey is still getting aid from the U.S. It was only smaller for a period of time after Turkey refused the U.S. to launch troops from there.
>>>>Hey just excatly how much money does your country owe ours? Perhaps if America cut off all the financial aid we give to Turkey you would change your view.... and hey if you guys hate us so much why do you keep accepting stuff from us?
>>>Are you talking about your spoiled milkpowders? thats before 30 years ago... We're not getting aid from USA. But we're buying Microsoft's CD's and computers and other things from USA like all over the world... What will you do if we won't buy your plastic CD's and silicon computers anymore? Will you live with goods like that than?

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