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Worlds view of USA
02/07/2007 12:56:05
Jay Johengen
Altamahaw-Ossipee, North Carolina, United States
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hahaha...ok I did not ask them for any ID and it would of been difficult for me since I don't speak spanish. During my 15 minutes of observation I was able to tell that only two spoke english - they were trying to get the work for the others that didn't know (or wouldnt speak) english.

Basicly here is what brought me to the conclusion:
1. These were most likely not homeless or down-and-out guys wandering the neighborhood. The cops arrest people in this area for vagrence and the nearest spot that can safely be is over 10 miles away and the nearest shelter and such is close to 20 miles away - and there are no busses that get within 3 miles of the place.
2. Seeing how everyone that walked in the store was asked if they needed some laborers the guys were indeed looking for work.
3. With the exception of just two guys - no one was speaking english.
4. Due to the location of the store, there was some effort made to get there. Enough effort that going to one of a zillion of the day labor places would of been MUCH easier and probably yeilded better results.
5. There wasn't like a dozen of these guys, there was like 3 dozen maybe more.
6. Ok so now taking allll of this into account - what is the only logical conclusion? Sure, it's possible that 40 non-english-speaking Mexican's all decided one day to drive out to the middle of no where suburb on the off chance they might make a few bucks doing some work for people buying hardware intead of going to a day labor place where they have a 95% change of getting something in a few minutes and avoid standing in 90 degree heat 1/2 the day at a Home Depot...but COME ON man! I'd say its "obvious" that these are illegal aliens looking for a way to put a few buck in thier pocket and get paid cash for it. I mean what other possible explaination THAT MAKES SENSE is there? A band of 40 Mexicans all decided today was a good day to hang out in front of the Home Depot and hassle the customers?
7. Look I say "obvious" and if you ask me, - anyone who can't see something this "obvious" is obviously VERY naive or has no clue about their suroundings or the real world or has their head stuck in the sand or something - but geeeze!

Sure I made an assumption or two here - but I'm not trying to be all fuzzy-wuzzy policitaly correct here - I'm just saying how it is. Yeah it's 'possible' that all these guys were citizens or green card holders, but dude...aside from getting a translator to ask for ID what more would you need to draw the same conclusion?

>It's almost funny Victor. Almost. That you would again use the same phrase to justify the same phrase. I don't get it. Did you ask them for ID/proof of citizenship or something? Is there more to your observation than what you have said? Sorry, man, just isn't working for me, but that's ok, that's what keeps it interesting.
>>hmmm... well I didn't think that the words "obviously illegals" crossed the line when they're obviously illegals. Sterotyping would be more like saying that all Mexican's at Home Depot are illegals - which is surely not the case. Anyway wasn't trying to offend anyone or come off like a racist pig & I think everyone understands that. - "Obviously" I could of worded it better or told the story a little differently.
>>>You think that the issue of color is what makes a racist? I'm not calling you a racist, but I'm saying that your "obviously illegal" language is. There's probably a fine line between the two, but there is some distinction. I've read enough of your posts to feel that you are not, but your language in that sentence is, at best, stereotyping and biased. If you want to argue the finer points of racist versus bigot versus pigheaded versus prejudiced versus whatver other label you pick, then I'm probably not your guy, but I know that using "obviously illegal" the way you did belongs somewhere on the other side of that fine line.
>>>>>>>>>>Well there is this crowd of obviously illegal aliens all hanging out near the entrance trying to get work -
>>>>>>>>>Oh, so now you can tell who's an illegal alien just by what they look like and how they act? Just because some down-on-their-luck people are looking for work (who happen to be Hispanic) ... that means they're illegal!?!?!
>>>>>>>>>That sure smacks of racism if you ask me.
>>>>>>>>It wasn't a racist remark Bonnie - I didn't even mention race or religion or anything like that.
>>>>>>>I think it was the "...obviously illegal..." part that got her attention.
>>>>>>Just because I point out the obvious doesn't make it a racist remark though.
>>>>>Yeah, Victor, it does. How can you think making the assumption that those people waiting to get work are obviously illegal is not racist?
>>>>Because it doesn't matter of their black, hispanic, green or whatever - fact is that if yer in a nice part of town at a Home Depot where the nearest homeless person is probably 20 miles away and there are 50 guys standing in front of the place not speaking english and trying to get work - guess what! I'd say it's safe to assume that these are illegals. Are you suggesting that most of them were not? You think a bunch of homeless guys rode a public bus for about 3 hours to get to the suburb for the hell of it? There are zillions of those day-labor places - I'd say the odds of getting some work there is better than hanging out at a Home Depot - assuming you have proper ID that is. Look - fact is fact. At some point an assumption can actually be correct.
>>>>>If you saw a group of blacks at a picnic, would you asssume that they were all having fried chicken and watermelon?
>>>>>Would you assume that a young girl waiting at a bus stop wearing a short dress is a hooker?
>>>>No - but if she was waving down cars and smoking some crack I'd think so.
>>>>>It's all the same. It's just the degree that may be different.
>>>>No it is NOT the same. One is being racist - the other is just not being an idiot and seeing the obvious.
ICQ 10556 (ya), 254117

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