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Bye bye Tank
03/07/2007 08:14:44
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
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>>Sure, I understand that, but what happens if the tests come back No DUI? Does that mean he was literally bounced for doing 40 in a 25 zone? To the best of my knowledge, we still don't know why he was out at 3:30am.
>>I think I lost track of this thread, so I don't know if anyone else posted about this or not - his BA level was reported at .072, just under the legal limit of .08.
>>Maybe this has been said before - I think part of the reason the Bears gave him the boot was because it happened so quickly after all the other incidents. Had this happened during camp, or during the season, maybe the Bears wouldn't have released him. Maybe, maybe not.
>>What I'm curious about (and I don't mean this in a joking way, I'm serious)...I wonder how many beers I'd need to consume to be at .08, and how I'd feel at .08.
>>In the most important way, it's academic: I drink a max of 2 beers with food before getting behind a wheel, because I know that 2 bottles won't affect me. But I've always wondered what my BA would be after 2 bottles - .02, .03?...I have no idea. And by the same token, for a big man like Tank Johnson, how many beers (or whatever he was drinking) would it take to get him to .072?
>You may feel fine to drive after a couple of beers, and most of the time that's probably true. But alcohol affects both reaction time and judgment in any quantity. It's only a matter of degree. There are somewhat arbitrary measures of how much is "too much to drive" (which vary by state) but no amount of alcohol is going to do your driving any good. Who can say when that slight impairment will make the difference in being able to react quickly enough? I am not being preachy, because I did it many times, but it's best to recognize that there's a difference between two beers and no beers.
>As far as Tank, I'm sure it would take quite a bit of fuel to get a man of his size to .072. IAC, I hope no one takes it as a sign of innocence that it came in just shy of the level at which you can be arrested and charged with drunk driving.
>The reason the Bears released him was he had been told, in no uncertain terms, after all his previous encounters with the law that it was going to be zero tolerance from then on. Being arrested at 3:30 in the morning -- less than a month after getting out of jail, as you indicate -- was all they needed to hear.

I could be wrong here, and I'm not sure that I agree with it yet, but could it be argued that after a beer or two, depending on a person's tolerance, that they become relaxed, and would have better and calmer reflexes? I mean, if I were on the way home from work and I was stressed out, stiff, and all that good stuff, and a deer ran out in front of me, I think I would probably be jumpy and do something stupid like swerve.

Now, after a beer or two, I might be more relaxed and not make a jumpy and impulsive quick decision.

Like I said, I'm not sure if I buy that yet or not. It's too early to turn my brain on.
Very fitting: http://xkcd.com/386/

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