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Worlds view of USA
03/07/2007 08:38:39
Mike Cole
Yellow Lab Technologies
Stanley, Iowa, United States
03/07/2007 08:32:28
Jay Johengen
Altamahaw-Ossipee, North Carolina, United States
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That's real though, isn't it?

>I'm thinking more like Robocop... <g>
>>Maybe we should start sending him fictional movies like Short Circuit so he thinks we have robots running around over here.
>>>Nope. I am an illegal Canadian. I'm just down here in the states to gather information on my documentary, "Why Metin hates America." Coming soon to a toilet book near you...
>>>>>You could be an illegal Canadian... that is, if you were carrying a fishing pole. Uh oh, now I'm racist... ;-)
>>>>>>I would be interested in hearing your results. The point isn't the number that are illegal, it's that you feel that they are "obviously illegal" because they are hispanic, standing in a group looking for work that pays by the day. It wasn't that long ago that I would have done that in a heartbeat. Granted, I don't look hispanic, so I guess I would be the one out of the bunch that would have been legal.
>>>>>>>When I said "doesn't fit" -> Everyone in my neighborhood has a car and the only walking I see is people out jogging or walking their dog - and I know most of them. If I see a guy I don't know walking and carrying a heavy TV then I'd call that "not fitting in" - no matter what their physcal appearance is.
>>>>>>>A group of hispanics waiting to work at a cash only job who have gone to a great deal of trouble to even get to the location when there are many other better paying pay-by-the-day options avail (for those who have ID's) that don't require setting out in the hot sun 1/2 the day waiting and are a LOT eaiser to get to is just as obvious as a guy I don't reconize carrying a heavy TV down the street where everyone has $40,000 cars.
>>>>>>>Ya know now this has me so tweeked that to prove a point (or, I suppose prove me wrong) that I'm going BACK to the Home Depot before I come to the office tommorrow and take a little survey.
>>>>>>>I'm going to toss out a number - lets say 8 out of 10 (80%) will not either a SS card or a green card.
>>>>>>>Does anyone want to toss out a number?
>>>>>>>>Victor, a group of hispanics waiting in a group to work is not even close to the same as a guy walking down the street with a television. And, I have to ask, what is "...a guy that doesn't fit..." mean? Black? Poor? Hispanic? White? Skinny? I do understand what you mean to a degree, but it's a pale comparison to the group of men looking for a job. Do you believe that all of those guys was illegal? Half? How do you know? Shoot them all and let God sort it out?
>>>>>>>>>I'm going to disagree with you as far as wether it was a racist comment - it was not.
>>>>>>>>>The presumpion of innocence - yeah ok you're right about that. So 'suspected illegals', ok?
>>>>>>>>>BUT - hey if you see a guy that doesn't fit in yer neighborhood walking down the street with a T.V. just like the one the guy next door has and see a broken window - you gonna just blow it off because you figure he's innocent cause you haven't proved him guilty yet? or are you going to sit up, take notice and use common sense and logic and figure that juuuust maybe the dude ripped off a TV? (and ya know, mabye tell a cop or something? basicly kinda what I did at the home depot?)
>>>>>>>>>Sure - I'll presume that all these guys were innocent - in the eyes of the law - but if you honestly think that's the case then that's just ridicilious and ignoring the problem is even worse.
>>>>>>>>>And when teenagers can't even get summer jobs anymore (which they can't) because of crap like this perhaps you and your son will decide that just because you can pick out an OBVIOUS crowd of illegal aliens yer not a racist....geeeeze.
>>>>>>>>>>It does, Victor. It's a racist comment. Besides, it is against the presumption of innocence right.
Very fitting: http://xkcd.com/386/

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