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Question for Dragan and Terry
04/07/2007 06:15:02
03/07/2007 13:06:01
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>>>>BTW, did you used to have the Nestles (as it was called back in the day) Milky Bar, with the ads with the Milky Bar Kid?
>>>Sorry, if we did, I don't remember it. We had the 'Milky Way' bar, but I don't remember any Milky Bar Kid. Was he like the Cisco Kid, only with a chocolate bar as his sidekick?
>>He was a young kid, with steel-rimmed round specs (obviously there were many of them over the years), dressed in white cowboy gear. He's ride into a town, peopled only by kids, where some adult baddy was trying to do them out of their goodies. He's usually rope the baddy up or some such, then shout "The milky bars are on me!", when all the kids would cheer, surround him and congrat him, then we'd have the theme tune.
>>The evil Nestlé org tried to revive the ad a few years ago, but it didn't sound so good when the "cowboy chorus", instead of singing "Nestle's [nessles] Milky Bar" sang "Nestlé Milky Bar".
>>They suck. I can't let my kids have Kit-kat, Smarties, Milky Bar, all the chocky products that used to be owned by a British company: Rowntree, Shreddies (brekky cereal), et al, et al, cos Nestlé own it all - half the world it seems.
>Ok, you need to explain it to me. Nestlé was for many years the only company to manufacture much of their candy in a separate facility so that there was no peanut or nut contact. For many parents of kids with peanut and nut allergies, Nestlé was the only game in town.
>When I was a kid, I grew up down the street from the Nestlé Chocolate factory at Gladstone and St. Annes Rd. in Toronto. Come halloween, that was the neighbourhood to grow up in. We used to go down to the factory where the guys working in shipping stayed late and they would throw us entire boxes of those little penny chocolates. I don't know if you remember them. They were individually wrapped in white paper with the Nestlé logo. They were shaped like tiny pyramids with the tops cut off.

I remember thin Nestles white chocolate but not them. Hey, that must have been a dream come true to a kid.
>Why are they evil?

Well I could go on citing all day but essentially they are aggressively marketing their baby formula worldwide, esp. to under-developed countries where:
- mother's milk is plentiful and better for the child, passing on mother's immunities - so why substitute formula.
- the instructions are often not in the indigenous language, or where there is widespread illiteracy - hence babies get over- or under-concentrated solns, with dire consequences - death, malnutrition, etc.
- further to ma's milk being best, often the water supply with which to mix the formula is pollutede anyway
- the target market are too under-educated to know the problesm involved and trust Nestle.

There was an example o the TV a few years ago where Nestle argued that the supplies to some S. African mothers DI bear iinstructions in the l9ocal language. Only the langs were like English and Afrikans whereas these people spoke only a Bantu language, for instance.

Nestle seem to be oblivious to all this or just don't care and continue to follow their policy regardless.

You'd be amazed just how many products there are to boycott. When we stayed at Disneyland Paris the breakfast restaurant featured only Nestle cereals, many bottles of water even have Nestle on them, et al, et al.

Advocacy groups and charities have accused Nestlé of unethical methods of promoting infant formula over breast-milk to poor mothers in third world countries.[15][16] For example, IBFAN claim that Nestlé supports the distribution of free powdered formula samples to hospitals and maternity wards; after leaving the hospital, the formula is no longer free, but because the supplementation has interfered with lactation the family must continue to buy the formula

- Whoever said that women are the weaker sex never tried to wrest the bedclothes off one in the middle of the night
- Worry is the interest you pay, in advance, for a loan that you may never need to take out.

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