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BIG millions of $$$ for presidential candidates!
07/07/2007 00:37:06
06/07/2007 22:24:51
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>>>>>...because this is exactly the Milošević style of screwing people up, never too many at a time, so you never get a critical mass which would complain loud enough. By the time the problem becomes widespread, it's too late.
>>>>I completely agree that there is a lot injustice to be addressed and I always feel we are not getting our money's worth out of our governments. but I also have low expectations that government is qualified to social engineer solutions to many of these problems. I believe many can be solved, but only by the private sector creating win-win situations where a solution is accepted because it works rather than mandated because "the experts" have decided it is good for us.
>>>Unfortunately, most corporations have no interest in 'win-win'. They are only interested in 'win'. What happens on the other side of the hyphen is of no real interest to them.
>>Well those "win" only companies don't last too long.
>>Isn't one of the goals of corporations to satisfy their customers so they can stay in business?
>Yes and no. They need to stay in business, but they really only need to satisfy their shareholders or owners to do it. Look at Walmart. They sell junk made in China, treat their staff like serfs, and they have been and continue to be huge. Or how about Nike with their foreign manufacturing where they have people working in horrible conditions for pennies because of a lack of laws requiring any sort of humane conditions, and all so they can sell shoes at 250-300 dollars a pop. This is a win-win? The attitude is generally, put out the least to reap the most. It works. It's business. You've heard the expression, "there are no morals in business"? Well, for my money that is just a statement of fact.
>What they aren't allowed to sell here or in the U.S. because of health etc laws, they sell in the third world where the laws are lax, and do it without a qualm. Is this win-win, or is it just 'win'.
>These are some of the largest and most successful companies. Oh, yes that attitude can keep them on top for a very long time.

Satisfy the shareholders and keep cost down.... what do you expect?

Now, I wouldn't want Walmart springing up everywhere, but they do provide descent products at a cheap price and provide jobs to those that want to work. I think the critics of Walmart and other mega-super stores are way too... what's the word? .... way too "critical". Sure the service can be down right sucky at times and the their merchandise aren't always top-notch, but, hey, it's Walmart.

Please, no links to show how evil Corporate-Walmart can be, I've already read both sides.
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.
- Alexis de Tocqueville

No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session.
– Mark Twain (1866)

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