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Saveas: do not keep incomp. functions, do not keep chang
25/07/2007 07:31:42
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Visual FoxPro
COM/DCOM et OLE Automation
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Thank you very much, Naomi. This gives enough code/examples to adapt my solution.


>>I use Excel by automation, to convert XLS to DBF.
>>I do:
>>loExcel = CREATEOBJECT("Excel.Application")
>>loExcel.Workbooks.SaveAS("Somefile.dbf",8)  && Convert to dbf 3
>>loExcel.Workbooks.Close(0)  && Close, do not keep changes
>>This does the job, without user interface, BUT not for all XLS-files. Some of them convert completely, some of them only convert the first 2 or 3 columns.
>>When I do it manually, so I press SaveAs fom the menu, choose dbf 3, choose Yes (leave incompatible functions out), close the window, choose No, I always get ALL columns.
>>So, somewhere in the statements above something is missing, telling Excel to convert all columns.
>>Should I state somewhere the equivalent of "leave incompatible functions out"? How?
>You may have empty rows or names with spaces or other problems causing the Excel to not be able to save properly. Also do all these files have only English text in them or there may be some other language text?
>My colleague wrote a special a bit complex function to perform Excel to DBF conversion, which I then modified.
>I'll post it here, it works in 99% of cases (didn't work for Arabic text, though).
>function fSplitIntoDBF
>lparameters tcInputFile, tnStartFromRow, tcDbfFile, tlCreateStructure, tcPassword
>if empty(m.tcInputFile)
>	tcInputFile = getfile('xls','Select XLS', 'Select', 0, 'Select XLS to create DBF from')
>	if empty(m.tcInputFile)
>		return "Input file is not passed"
>	endif
>if empty(m.tcPassword)
>	tcPassword = ""
>	tcPassword = upper(m.tcPassword)
>local loExcel, lcMsg, lcCellValue, lcStr, lcRange, ;
>	lnRow, lnCol, lnNumSheets, lnDoneSheets, lnI, loSheet, ;
>	lnRows, lnCols, llValFound, loErr, ;
>	lnSameField, lnK, lnSheet, lnFinalRows, ;
>	lnFinalCols, lcStructureDBF, lnFldLen, lcColLetter, lnK, loRange
>local array laFieldNames[1,3], laTestNames[1]
>lcMsg = ""
>lcCellValue = ""
>lnDoneSheets = 0
>if empty(m.tnStartFromRow)
>	tnStartFromRow = 1
>	loExcel = createobject("Excel.Application")
>*-- Open XLS File
>	loExcel.DisplayAlerts = .f.
>	lnNumSheets = loExcel.application.application.WorkBooks(1).Sheets.count
>	for lnSheet = 1 to m.lnNumSheets
>*-- Select individual sheet from opened XLS File
>		loSheet = loExcel.application.application.WorkBooks(1).Sheets(m.lnSheet)
>		with loSheet
>			.select
>			lcStr =
>** Do this only for non-SUMMARY sheets in the spreadsheet
>			if !("SUMMARY" $ upper(m.lcStr))
>				lnDoneSheets = m.lnDoneSheets + 1
>** Delete first N unused rows (help by Sergey Berezniker)
>				if m.tnStartFromRow > 1
>					.range("A1" , "A" + transform(m.tnStartFromRow)).EntireRow.delete()
>				endif
>*-- Find total # of columns and rows
>				lnCols = .UsedRange.columns.count
>				lnFinalCols = m.lnCols
>				lnRows = .UsedRange.rows.count
>				lnFinalRows = m.lnRows
>*-- Find total # of really used rows
>				for lnRow = m.lnRows to 1 step -1
>					llValFound = .f.
>					for lnCol = m.lnCols to 1 step -1
>						lcCellValue = .Cells(m.lnRow,m.lnCol).value
>						if not (empty(m.lcCellValue) or isnull(m.lcCellValue))
>							llValFound = .t.
>							exit
>						endif
>					next
>					if !m.llValFound
>						.rows(m.lnRow).delete()
>						lnFinalRows = m.lnFinalRows - 1
>					endif
>				next
>				lnRows = m.lnFinalRows &&.UsedRange.rows.count
>*-- Find total # of really used columns
>				for lnCol = m.lnCols to 1 step -1
>					llValFound = .f.
>					for lnRow = m.lnRows to 1 step -1
>						lcCellValue = .Cells(m.lnRow,m.lnCol).value
>						if not (empty(m.lcCellValue) or isnull(m.lcCellValue))
>							llValFound = .t.
>							exit
>						endif
>					next
>					if not m.llValFound
>						.columns(m.lnCols).delete()
>						lnFinalCols = m.lnFinalCols - 1
>					endif
>				next
>				lnRows = m.lnFinalRows
>				lnCols = min(m.lnFinalCols, 254) && table limitation
>				lcRange = "A1:"
>** Code from Sergey Berezniker
>				lcColLetter = iif(m.lnCols > 26, chr(int((m.lnCols - 1) / 26) + 64), "") + ;
>					chr(((m.lnCols - 1) % 26) + 65)
>				lcRange = m.lcRange + m.lcColLetter + alltrim(str(m.lnRows))
>				.range(m.lcRange).select
>				loExcel.selection.EntireColumn.hidden = .f.  && Unhide all hidden columns
>				dimension laFieldNames[m.lnCols, 3]
>				lnK = 0
>*-- Create column name array
>				for lnI = 1 to m.lnCols
>					lcCellValue = .Cells(1,m.lnI).value
>					if vartype(m.lcCellValue) <> "C"
>						if vartype(m.lcCellValue) = "N"
>							lcCellValue = "_"+ alltrim(str(m.lcCellValue))
>						else
>							lcCellValue = "Not Valid"
>						endif
>					else
>						lcCellValue = proper(strtran(m.lcCellValue,	chr(10)," "))
>					endif
>					laFieldNames[m.lnI,1] = fGetFieldName(m.lcCellValue)
>					if vartype(laTestNames[1]) = "C" && array was already populated
>						if ascan(laTestNames, laFieldNames[m.lnI,1]) > 0
>* This field already exists, lets add a number at the end
>							lnK = m.lnK + 1
>							laFieldNames[m.lnI,1] = laFieldNames[m.lnI,1] + transform(m.lnK)
>							lnFldLen = len(laFieldNames[m.lnI,1])
>							if m.lnFldLen > 10
>								laFieldNames[m.lnI,1] = right(laFieldNames[m.lnI,1],10)
>							endif
>						endif
>					endif
>					dimension laTestNames[m.lnI]
>					laTestNames[m.lnI] = laFieldNames[m.lnI,1]
>					laFieldNames[m.lnI,2] = alltrim(m.lcCellValue)
>					laFieldNames[m.lnI,3] = m.lnI
>				next
>				if empty(m.tcDbfFile)
>					lcStr = strtran(m.lcStr,space(1),"_")
>					lcStr = strtran(m.lcStr,".","_")
>					lcStr = upper(strtran(upper(justfname(m.tcInputFile)),".XLS","") + ;
>						"(" + m.lcStr + ")")
>					tcDbfFile = sys(5) - curdir()- m.lcStr
>				endif
>				if m.tlCreateStructure
>					lcStructureDBF = addbs(justpath(m.tcDbfFile)) + 'XLSStructure'
>					select 0
>					create table (m.lcStructureDBF) free ;
>						(cShortName C(10), cLongName C(100), iSeq I)
>					index on upper(cLongName) tag cLongName
>					append from array laFieldNames
>					use && Close the structure table
>				endif
>** Assign new column names to the first row
>				for lnI = 1 to m.lnCols
>					.Cells(1,laFieldNames[m.lnI,3]).value = laFieldNames[m.lnI,1]
>					.columns[m.lnI].EntireColumn.autofit()
>*!*						if ' date ' $ " " + lower(laFieldNames[m.lnI,2]) + " " && date field
>*!*							loRange = .UsedRange.Offset(2) && we don't want to apply format for header row
>*!*							loRange.columns[m.lnI].NumberFormat = "mm/dd/yyyy"
>*!*	                    endif
>					try
>** To make sure long descriptions fit
>						if 	.columns[m.lnI].columnwidth > 15
>							.columns[m.lnI].columnwidth = 240
>						else
>							.columns[m.lnI].columnwidth = 15
>						endif
>					catch to loRangeProblem
>* Let's ignore this error with the range and column width
>						lcMsg = Log_Error(m.loRangeProblem)
>					endtry
>				next
>*#DEFINE xlDBF3	8
>*#DEFINE xlDBF4 11
>				loExcel.ActiveWorkbook.saveas(m.tcDbfFile, 11)
>			endif
>		endwith
>	next
>	if (m.lnDoneSheets = 0)
>		lcMsg = "There are no non-summary sheets in the " + ;
>			justfname(m.tcInputFile) + " file - cannot process."
>	else
>		if (m.lnDoneSheets > 1)
>			lcMsg = "There are too many sheets in the " + ;
>				justfname(m.tcInputFile) + " file - cannot determine which one to use."
>		endif
>	endif
>catch to loErr
>	lcMsg = Log_Error(m.loErr)
>	if vartype(m.loExcel) = 'O'
>		loExcel.quit
>		loExcel = null
>	endif
>return m.lcMsg
>*  FUNCTION fGetFieldName()
>function fGetFieldName
>lparameters tcName
>local lcStr, lcAllowedChars, lcFind
>lcStr = alltrim(m.tcName)
>lcFind = chrtran(m.lcStr, m.lcAllowedChars, space(7))
>if len(m.lcFind) > 0
>	lcStr = chrtran(m.lcStr, m.lcFind,replicate("_",len(m.lcFind)))
>lcStr = left(alltrim(m.lcStr), 8)
>if asc(left(m.lcStr,1)) >= asc("0") and asc(left(m.lcStr,1)) <= asc("9")
>	lcStr = "_"+ m.lcStr
>return m.lcStr

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