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Roger Goodell speaks on Michael Vick
27/08/2007 01:34:41
26/08/2007 23:37:03
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Not to try to sound supportive of anything this scumbug has done, but I work with a couple guys who are familiar with the type of background Vick comes from. I was discussing this type of stuff with one of those guys earlier this summer.

We were talking about a lot of these guys who come from the "hood" never seem to leave, even if they hit it big time in the pros. Something about them feeling like they owe the guys they hung out with who basically became their family. It's why you read a lot of stories about someone who's a friend of big-time-star getting caught in big-times car with drugs/guns.

So I think the authors comment about poor decisions is just a "politically correct" way to describe these guys not realizing that they must grow out of the hood mentality and move on.

I'd be interested in the stats on how many just by their parents a house in a decent neighborhood and change their attitudes about life once they succeed. Rather then clinging to a past that typically leads to no-good.

>Boy I get tired of the pussyfooting. someone with so much potential wave it all goodbye with poor decisions." Poor decisions???!!?? He makes it sound like the guy chose the wrong colour for his living room.
>>Well, the one thing Vick has to look up to, is he has established a new bar for amount thrown away for something stupid:
>>>Also, I see Marbury has changed his mind. Now he thinks Vicks is maybe not such a great guy. It would be nice if fools thought before they spoke.
>>>Yeah, I saw Marbury's comments - that was almost as bad as Clinton Portis several months ago.
>>>I don't like the concept of deer hunting just for sport (I think it's fine to hunt for food, but hunting for sport is pretty sad, IMO) - but there's still a big difference between planting one between Bambi's eyes (given that Bambi caused me car repairs last fall when Bambi decided to run out into the middle of the road) and raising dogs to fight and kill. My wife made a point tonight that as horrible as it is to put dogs to sleep after dogfights, the dogs that were seriously injured and WEREN'T put to sleep wound up suffering even more.
>>>I truly hope they put Vick in with the GenPop (general population) in prison.
>>>There's a level of irony that Goodell's letter to the Atlanta Falcons (saying that they can now take financial action) read like a command of "go sick 'em!!!"
>>>Final comment, now that my Friday night XG (Xanax and Guinness) is taking effect - the next time I hear someone say that Vick was targeted for his race, I'm gonna growl like a dog and bite the person's ankles. ;) The notion of Vick being targeted because of race is about as insane as thinking that Al Gore should have been president in 2000.

(On an infant's shirt): Already smarter than Bush

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