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Senator Craig
31/08/2007 11:31:10
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Gunna miss the G man. A top 10 video list of brain-cramping AG moments....


>Another piece for fuel to the fire. I heard a discussion on the radio last nite. That the rumor is that the DOJ knew about Craig several weeks ago. But held off on making the news public until the day after alberto resigned. So the Craig news would wipe him off the front page. Seems to have worked rather well.
>>>What I'm saying is that I wonder how many people who are up in arms about Craig are aso the same people who felt that Clinton was the victim of a witch hunt. To me, you (the 'royal you') can't have it both ways.
>>Aside from the Dems pointing out the condradiction between Craig's legislative positions and his apparent personal actions, the people who are up in arms about the Craig issue appear to be a lot of Republicans and rightwing pundits. I'm quite confident that these people do not feel that Clinton was the victim of a witch hunt. These up-in-arms people are the same people who were not too bothered about David Vitter (R) frequenting prostitutes, which i believe is a crime. One interesting distinction is that in the Vitter case, a Dem Governor would name a replacement for Vitter if he were to step down. In Craig's case, a Repub Governor would do the replacement naming.
>>Pete Hoekstra (R) - called on Craig to resign
>>Sen. John McCain (R), "when you plead guilty to a crime, then you shouldn't serve."
>>Sen. Norm Coleman (R) - Craig should leave office.
>>Michelle Malkin - Craig a "weasel," not caring about the "dignity of his office," demanded he resign.
>>Liberty Pundit - I think it goes without saying that Craig should resign
>>Hugh Hewitt - I think it goes without saying that Craig should resign
>>Jonah Golberg - I don't know what Larry Craig's been doing in men's rooms. And it sure sounds like I don't wanna know either."
>>Captn Quarters - We think it means you're even more foolish than this incident would suggest.
>>RedState - I can only say he must resign.
>>Mark Steyn/National Review: I'm inclined to agree with Hugh Hewitt. The Senator did, after all, choose to plead guilty.
>>Dean Barnett/Townhall: To lead millions of people, one needs at least a modicum of moral stature. Both politicians forfeited that stature when they engaged in their off-campus hijinks . . . .
>>Tom Fitton, president of the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, called on the senator to consider stepping down.

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