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27/10/2007 14:03:12
26/10/2007 10:47:54
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>Methinks that theory is giving tooooo much credit to those in power. Myself, I lean more towards the "the always need an enemy..." theory. How else can they expand wiretaps to the levels they want? How else can they enrich their corporate buds at haliburton,etc.?

I'm glad to see someone has seen through the right-wing plot to tear up the constitution and put Al Franken in Guantanamo. Now, thanks to their stooges in the media like the Fox Pros (oops, sorry) Fox News Propagandists and a Nazi governor in California (who probably wasn't really elected since people in California are more enlightened and didn't vote for Bush ) they have people believing all this fire stuff.
They've used this fear tactic of some "fire" threat to drive people out of their homes, away from their internet access and therefore cutoff from their only source of news and Truth! ( )

Obviously a ploy to explain the Black Helicopters hovering over the border that Cheney and Haliburton have put there to prevent what the right wing racists call "undocumented" immigrants from exercising their right to come into the US to vote for Democratic candidates ( unless Bush stooges on the court - especially Clarence Uncle Thomas who isn't really black like Bill - let the fascist poll watchers insist on some kind of identification!!! trampling all over their rights and committing racist fascist genocide against them.)

Wake up America !

Death to the Fascist insect that preys on the life of The People !

>>Bin Laden has so much support now that I'm afraid that if we did find and detain Bin Laden we would have the entire Arab world after us. Hmmmm, wonder if that is why we haven't caught him?
>>>True or not, why would killing bin Laden have anything to do with war in Iraq or Iran?
>>>Killing bin Laden would not have much impact on Al Qaeda, either. There are plenty more who share his hatred of the west and his willingness to attack it.
>>>>I thought this link very interesting. Fox news is reporting we had the chance to kill bin laden and did nothing:
>>>>I didn't watch the show, but I did read the Esquire story. It sure seems to me that for whatever reason, the administration wants a war with Iran. And is not interested in ending this war.
>>>>>I stumbled upon the Frontline show the other night. Highly recommended. Very interesting listening to Armitage, Bolten, and the skipper of the Nimitz, or the fact that we just missed catching Jafari (reportedly) in Iraq, who then meets w/ Condi just days later. You got the feeling that our attempts to limit Iranian influence in Iraq was like shutting the proverbial barn door after the horses had left. "Iranian pilgrims flooded into southern iraq". "Iran helped get out the vote and saw its longtime allies take power in Baghdad."
>>>>>>Two links for you:
>>>>>>1) There is evidence that this administration is doing everything it can to provoke war with Iran. This documentary covers many of the points from the interview in Esquire with the ex-State Dept/CIA couple who witnessed Iran's attempt's to aid in the "war on terror":
>>>>>>2) The fear factor. It really despresses me how easy it is to get people wrapped up in this, as evidenced by you:
>>>>>>>govt office estimate of the cost of the war with Iraq over the next decade:

>>>>>>>There is no question that Bush and Cheney underestimated what this effort was going to require. Bush basically ignored the input of some of his closest and staunchest supporters.
>>>>>>>However, let's also not forget the impact of Iran's involvement - certainly their actions against U.S. soldiers is a "Casus Belli"

Charles Hankey

Though a good deal is too strange to be believed, nothing is too strange to have happened.
- Thomas Hardy

Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm-- but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

-- T. S. Eliot
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
- Ben Franklin

Pardon him, Theodotus. He is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature.

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