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Check if data has been changed
03/11/2007 21:49:00
02/11/2007 09:45:11
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Versions des environnements
C# 2.0
Windows XP SP2
Windows 2003 Server
MS SQL Server
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OK, Eduardo, in this case, your problem is not the proposed change thing I mentioned before ... that seems to work just fine in a DataGridView, as long as the grid loses focus.

The problem in this case is that pressing a ToolBar button does not cause the ActiveControl to lose focus (same with menu items), thus not forcing the control's value into it's databound object. You need something that will force this for every control you have. It can get complicated.

I have a method that I have named ForceBind() in most of my controls (those that have it implement an Interface I have created for this type of behavior). If the control is a container object that implements that Interface (such as a Panel, UserControl, etc.) it will call the ForceBind() method of *it's* ActiveControl (if *that* control implements the Interface).

With a little experimenting, I found you only have to include this in your DataGridView base class:
public void ForceBind()
	CancelEventArgs e = new CancelEventArgs();
	if (e.Cancel == false)
		this.OnValidated(new EventArgs());
Now, you just need some way of always calling the ForceBind method. In our ToolBar class, we automatically call it's Parent's ForceBind() method. In order to make this work, as I mentioned, it helps to implement an Interface for this purpose.


>Hi Bonnie
>I am using the DataGridView.
>>>How do you use this method to enable or disable the toolbar buttons.? If the user makes changes in a textbox or a grid.
>>The grid is the culprit here ... in a TextBox, as soon as the TextBox loses focus (and it's various Validating and Validated events fire), the DataRowVersion should no longer be Proposed. I think there's some events in the grid that you might be able to utilize, but I rarely use a grid and so I'm no expert there. And now that there are two grid classes, you'd have to specify if you're using the old DataGrid or the new DataGridView. Which one are you using?
>>>>Hi Eduardo,
>>>>>It works fine if I change record. Dataset.Haschanges(), seems to do the same.
>>>>>But for it to work the user has to move from the record. If he makes modifications to the data and close the form, Rowset or Haschanges are not aware of the change.
>>>>>What I am trying to do is Enable a save button from my datanavigator as soon as the user modifies a field in the form.

>>>>There's a little "gotcha" with this, and it's caused when the data in a row has been left in a Proposed state.
>>>>Data in a DataRow has several different versions. First, there's the original version. Then, when it's being edited, it becomes a Proposed version and once it's done being edited it becomes the Current version. Sometimes when editing, the row is left in the Proposed state and needs to be ended.
>>>>Here's a method I *always* call before I attempt to save data:
>>>>protected virtual void CommitProposedChanges(DataSet ds)
>>>>	if (ds == null)
>>>>		return;
>>>>	for (int nTable = 0; nTable < ds.Tables.Count; nTable++)
>>>>	{
>>>>		for (int nRow = 0; nRow < ds.Tables[nTable].Rows.Count; nRow++)
>>>>		{
>>>>			if (ds.Tables[nTable].Rows[nRow].HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Proposed))
>>>>			{
>>>>				ds.Tables[nTable].Rows[nRow].EndEdit();
>>>>			}
>>>>		}
>>>>	}
>>>>Without calling the above method, .HasChanges() could return a false when in fact there is a Proposed change just waiting to be committed.
>>>Thanks for your time Bonnie, it works perfectly, when I close the form.
>>>How do you use this method to enable or disable the toolbar buttons.? If the user makes changes in a textbox or a grid.
>>>Thanks for your help
Bonnie Berent DeWitt
NET/C# MVP since 2003

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