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CNN Holds GOP Debate - Mostly
03/12/2007 13:25:59
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>>>>>>You know something, I can't recall an election with such a poor set of choices on both sides.
>>>>>>There isn't a single candidate I'd consider voting for right now...
>>>>>We are in complete agreement.
>>>>>Luckily I live in California so my vote doesn't matter anyhow.
>>>>Don't get me started! At last, we have found common ground politically ;-) With us apparently stuck in perpetuity with this BRAINLESS ANACHRONISM called the electoral college, the votes of people in at most a dozen states matter. The rest of us may as well not even bother voting for President.
>>>I think his comment was about the primaries, not the general election. Here in PA, my presidential primary vote never means anything.
>>I am referring to any statewide election. California's politics are determined by LA and SF alone. The rest of the state might as well not even show up on election day except to vote for local measures and local representatives.
>>Unlike Mike, I don't believe we should get rid of the electoral college as that would cause the same disenfranchisement to the smaller states as us in rural areas currently have to put up with. Instead I hope that California changes the way its electoral votes are assigned. All or nothing doesn't represent the diversity of this state.
>Doesn't Sacramento now have a bigger population than San Francisco?

The city of SF is ~1.7 times the size of the city of Sacramento in population. Sacramento county is bigger than SF county, however, SF county basically only includes SF itself, wheras Sacramento county includes numerous cities. When you look to the Bay Area as a whole it dwarfs the Sacramento area. The population of Sacramento and the surrounding areas are on the rise, but they have a long way to go to catch the Bay Area.

>I see the EC was not your point after all). My mistake.
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