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Ok, where did the illegals get the $10,000 tuition?
06/12/2007 11:01:51
06/12/2007 10:49:50
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I think I mentioned before, but I would happily support your idea of 'guest workers' if I were a U.S. citizen.

I do think it's odd though that the 'Mexican' issue gets so much bad press while when Cuba let all it's criminals out of jail as long as they went to Florida where they subsequently formed gangs, there was so little hew and cry. Of course, they all came and said they hated Cuba, so I guess it was ok for them to become criminals (and a law unto themselves - remember Elian Gonzalez?). Again, most are probably quite law abiding, but the numbers of Cuban 'refugees' who comprise the criminal community in Florida is far out of proportion to the folks who were there before they arrived. I don't hear much about it though.

>I think it is much more of an issue for some states than others. As the population of illegal immigrants from Mexico (and let's be honest, the issue is only with illegal immigrants from Mexico) grows in states not along the border, it becomes more of an issue for other states as well. Most citizens don't see a problem until the crime incidents start hitting the news in their local area. For example here in NC, there have been numerous incidents of illegal immigrants with false or no driver's licenses killing other drivers on the roadways due to driving while intoxicated. They are involved in a lot of the gang incidents and drug incidents as well. Because of the factories closing down here as well as the mills, there is a shortage of jobs in those areas. Yet most have a large percentage of workers who are from Mexico. Then it hits the news that an INS sweep collected 25% of a factory's workforce for being illegally in the U.S. and all of those who tried to obtain a job with
> that factory (or know someone who tried) are furious. Many of the factories have workers on payroll with stolen identities and hire a percentage of 'day workers' with no documentation. Until the employers have to start paying the price for this, it will continue. I'm still an advocate of 'guest workers' and 'guest drivers licenses' (similar to the international drivers license - you cannot use it to vote) to track those who are here and ensure that those that are here know our road laws and pay taxes under their own identity. If any are caught breaking the law then - deport them. If the employer hires anyone not on a guest worker visa, fine them and after so many fines close them down.
>>>I didn't see any reference to illegal or legal status. Is it available somewhere? How does someone move to Toronto illegally, gain employment, and get medical care?
>>Same as anywhere else. They arrive, get fake ID (or not), get jobs citizens don't want to do etc etc. As long as they aren't too productive, they don't get deported. Even if they are ordered deported for being productive members of the community (at least it seems that way), it usually takes a very long time, and they just disapper back into the woodwork and resurface somebody else. It's really not different than the U.S. (except I think that if you want to come here as a legal immigrant, you have to have commited a crime back home).
>>I don't know what the split is between legal and illegal. I have a feeling that it is not as much a focus of the collective psyche here as it is in the U.S. There are probably numbers somewhere, but I've never gone looking for them. There is usually a public fuss kicked up when the newspaper prints a story about a family (or part of a family) that is to be deported, because it always seems like the wrong people are being run out of country (ie - the productive and viable members of society).
>>>>>Absolutely not. I say put them all on a train (as they are located) and sent to Canada. :o) Toronto is a good place to send them.
>>>>Oh, we have our share. Toronto is a mecca for both illegal and legal immigrants. There was a news story just today that said that over 50% of all Torontonians were born outside of Canada (and only a very small percentage of those are from the U.S.). The actual City of Toronto is right around 50%. And I'm loving it.
>>>>See this: http://www.thestar.com/News/GTA/article/282694
>>>>>>>>From what I understand, many illegals already do pay taxes this is just going to mean the difference in how much taxes they pay. They will also be spending more which helps the economy. Some of them may even start their own companies and hire others. These things often have a sort of snowball effect.
>>>>>>>Great, now we have illegal companies, run be illegal aliens, hiring more illegal aliens. Sounds terrific.
>>>>>>>>As far as amnesty, why not? You said yourself they're going to be able to come up with some magical way to stop them at the borders, so it doesn't matter if new illegals are encouraged. They won't be able to get in anyway.
>>>>>>>See my other response. There is something inbetween that realistically can be done, but not so happy-happy as you might want to see it.
>>>>>>And in the meantime, maybe the ones here should be educated? ;)

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