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Here's a good way to end this one...
07/12/2007 13:02:15
Walter Meester
07/12/2007 09:19:11
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>Next time I'll be sure to knock the AK-47 out of the intruder's hands with my trusty baseball bat. Hopefully the thief will be within striking distance and will be totally unsuspecting of the homeowner having any weapon (Oh yeah, I've done that already only it wasn't an AK-47 it was a Glock and it wasn't a baseball bat it was a bed post). While not a bad idea, certainly not always possible Walter. Breakins are not always done by one lone individual but sometimes involved 2-3 intruders and they don't always come inside together through the same entrance. Well, maybe in the Netherlands they do.

Do you think the average american would stand a chance oposing three armed intruders. Do you think your chances grow by having a gun or do you think you'll be shot as soon as they notice you're armed...

Maybe not a good question to a former military, but think of the average american.

My conclusions is, that I would not stand a chance and I would make sure I get out of their way to increase my chances of survival. It is better to call the police afterwards when everything is safe again.

Again this is about a mindshift... If the intruder is not armed you might scare him away with a gun, but since the chance of the homeowner is having a gun is high the intruders are forced to take a gun with them, making the situation the more dangerous. its a vicuous circle.

A bugler is seldomly out there to kill you..... if you don't stand in his way he won't kill you. If you carry a gun and feel like a hero your chances of surviving that event drasticly decreases.


>>>Would you ask people if they have a gun in the house as a prerequisite to letting your kids
>>>play in there?
>>>Half the housholds in the US have guns. http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp
>>>The bad apples are the ones who leave them laying around. It causes the kind of paranoia you're
>>>What if someone invaded your house in the middle of the night, and you didn't have a gun? I bet
>>>Sean Taylor's girlfriend was wishing he had a gun last week.
>>First off all
>>have good locks on you doors. We have norms arround here that every new build house should be able to resist invaders for at least 3 minutes in the most common attacks. Enough time to call the police and pick your baseball bat and show you've seen them.
>>If you carry a gun, they probably will too. If you intent to use them, they probably will too. If you shoot, they probably will do before you do. You probably are more likely to get hurt in stead of the bugler. But of course this won't happen to you, you practise.. you are sure you're a better shooter than the bugler huh ?? esppecially after a long night in the bar drinking your favourate drinks...
>>The best you can do is to scare them away, but else either you will be hurt (you lose) or he will be hurt or die and you will face court (you'll lose too).
>>In this respect the US is practising 3rd world rules.... you're many decaded behind of the norm in other western countries.

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